Yati Maa Chetanananda Sarasawti from Shri Prachanda Chandidevi Mandir, Siddhapeetha, Dassna, Uttar Pradesh said that her Guru Yeti Narasimhananda Saraswati Maharaj had to go to jail 31 times while working for protection of Hindu Dharma. Even if we have to go to jail any number of times, we shall not stop this ‘Dharmakarya’. (Saint like ‘Yeti Maa Chetanananda Saraswati are the real strength of Hindu Dharma ! – Editor, Hindujagruti) 80% of Hindus from this country have forgotten valour. Therefore, we impart training on self-defence. It is our right to keep with us weapons allowed under law for self-defence. It is not time to just read stories of Radha-Krushna but it is time to take active part in Dharma matters. Increase spiritual strength for the same. ‘Yadnya-yaag’ are also performed on behalf of Dassana Peetha. Efforts are made to unite Hindus who are divided in various castes and creed.
Ready to go to jail for protection of Dharma : Yati Maa Chetanananda Sarasawti
Tags : Hindu Adhiveshan