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Only Hindu Rashtra can grant fundamental rights to all citizens : Ramesh Shinde

Second day of ‘Hindu Rashtra Sanghatak Training and Convention’ at Bandoda (Goa)

From left – Shri. Mahavir Shrishrimal, Adv. Nilesh Sangolkar, Ashwini Kulkarni, Adv. Nagesh Takbhate and Shri. Ramesh Shinde (speaking)

Bandoda (Goa) : Pure food required for survival of citizens is still not available even after 70 years of independence though it is the basic need. Chemicals are used to accelerate ripening of fruits and vegetables; artificial milk is prepared; there is food adulteration also; therefore, these are attacks on the fundamental right conferred on citizens to get pure food and agitations have to be staged for the same. Only Hindu Rashtra can bestow fundamental rights upon all citizens. Working for this cause will help ‘Hindutvavadis’ to do their ‘sadhana’ under ‘Gurukrupa Yoga’ through such selfless actions. The above guidance was given by Shri. Ramesh Shinde, the national spokesperson of Hindu Janajagruti Samiti (HJS).

The second phase of ‘sixth Akhil Bharatiya Hindu Adhiveshan’ has started from 19th June at Sri Mahalakhsmi Mandir Hall by conducting ‘Hindu Rashtra Sanghatak Prashikshan and Adhiveshan’. On its second day i.e. on 20th June, the topic under discussion was ‘Lokshahiteel Dushpravruttinchya Virodhateel Abhiyan (Movement against anti-social tendencies in society)’ and Shri. Ramesh Shinde gave guidance on the same. Prof. Mahavir Shrishrimal, Coordinator of HJS, advocate Nilesh Sangolkar, a member of Hindu Vidhidnya Parishada (HVP) and Ashwini Kulkarni of HJS shared the dais with him.

Shri. Ramesh Shinde said further that

1. Indian bureaucracy is the worst system in the world as per ‘Hong Kong Political & Risk Consultant’; because administrative officers or elected representatives are not removed from their posts despite their wrong acts.

2. Government officers do not give any time limit for completing any work; people’s problems are ignored and they have to visit Government offices again and again.

3. There are about 3.5 lakh to 4 lakh cases pending; but cases related to property of industrialists are given priority and come up for hearing early, is a fact. When the judicial system is same everywhere, how can an accused gets acquitted in higher courts?

4. As per the report of ‘Transparency International’, Indian judicial system is most corrupt. Former late Chief Minister of Arunachal Pradesh had written a letter before committing suicide wherein he had given names of corrupt judges; still inquiry has not been conducted into them. In fact, 2 judges among them are still in service. How can such corrupt judges be able to do justice to citizens ?

5. Condition of Education System is very pathetic as it starts with money and ends with money. Instead of having life’s goal as serving the nation or people, students have the goal of earning lot of money by becoming either doctors or engineers. In the existing education system, first payment is made and then education is imparted whereas under ancient ‘Gurukul’ system, ‘Gurudakshina’ used to be given after education was complete.

Corruption is rampant in Indian administrative service, judiciary, education and medical fields, proving futility of democratic governance. There is no curb any system can impose on any field and it is necessary to set up totally new systems.

People’s movement necessary against anti-social tendencies ! – Sunil Ghanavat

Staging movement against anti-social tendencies helps in increasing confidence of activists and the organization also remains active. Such movement creates extensive awareness amongst people towards incidents of attacks on nation and harm caused to Dharma etc and people’s demand leads to creating pressure on elected representatives; so they have to take necessary action. Building movement against anti-social tendencies is thus important, stated Shri. Sunil Ghanavat, Maharashtra State Coordinator of HJS. Shri. Ghanavat also spoke on ways of making prior preparations for people’s movement.

Make use of RTI Act while working for protection of nation and Dharma ! – Ashwini Kulkarni

Information can be obtained about many wrong things taking place in Government’s administration under Right to Information (RTI) Act passed in 2005. It can be used to put curb on elected representatives and administrative officers by taking appropriate action on the basis of information obtained. As a result, it can create transparency in their work and control over corruption. So, use RTI Act for welfare of people and protection of nation and Dharma, stated Ashwini Kulkarni of HJS.

Ashwini Kulkarni also explained what is the right to information; how can that be used for protection of Dharma and welfare of people and how to fill up necessary form etc. Advocate Nilesh Sangolkar and advocate Nagesh Takbhate of HVP explained the procedure followed in Government offices after receiving application under RTI and future actions to be taken based on the information obtained under RTI. Few ‘Hindutvavadis’ narrated difficulties faced by them and their experiences, so also got their doubts clarified.

Movement against anti-social tendencies should be undertaken as part of ‘sadhana’ ! – Mahavir Shrishrimal

‘Hindutvavadis’ should always concentrate on their goal while undertaking movement against anti-social tendencies. It should be considered as own ‘sadhana’ during this period of ‘twilight’, do everything honestly, take guidance from experts in case of difficulties, study own capacity and try for unification, with self-discipline and for inculcating God’s qualities, said Shri. Mahavir Shrishrimal of HJS.

‘Hindu Rashtra Sanghatak Prashikshan and Adhiveshan’ reaches 5 lakh people through ‘Facebook Live’ !

The second day of morning session of the ‘training Adhiveshan’ on the topic of ‘Movement against anti-social tendencies in democracy’ reached 5 lakh people and it was watched by 35000 people.


1. The participants were made to do various experiments of ‘bhav-jagruti’ and prayers when many of them experienced presence of Bhagavan Shrikrushna.

2. By holding hand near centre of eyebrows as per the science, few participants felt that they received divine consciousness from God; felt peaceful, stabilizing mind and felt light.

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