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Purpose of work-shop is to learn associating ‘sadhana’ efforts with the mission of ‘Hindutva’! – ‘Pujya’ Dr. Charudatta Pingale, National Guide, HJS 

Work-shop on ‘Karya ani Sangh-bhav vruddhi’ started at Sanatan ashram, Ramnathi, Goa

Ramnathi  – Sanatan’s ashram at Ramnathi is like the biggest pilgrimage place on Earth; so getting an opportunity to participate in a work-shop at national-level, organized by Hindu Janajagruti Samiti (HJS) at Sanatan ashram is a matter of good fortune for volunteers of HJS. Let us understand what is expected by God and remove our personality defects and ego. To become an ideal seeker and a symbol of ‘Hindutva’ for working in society i.e. how to associate ‘sadhana’ efforts with the mission undertaken is the purpose of this work-shop, stated ‘Pujya’ Dr. Charudatta Pingale, national Guide of HJS while explaining the purpose of the work-shop. The work-shop organized by HJS on increasing activities and enhancing team-spirit, was started with blowing of conch and offering of shloka at holy feet of Bhagavan Shrikrushna. The work-shop is being held between 22nd and 24th June. On 22nd June, discussions were held on different subjects like obstacles faced in associating devout Hindus and advocates with the mission of establishment of Hindu Rashtra and solutions to them; so also difficulties in holding ‘Rashtriya Hindu Andolan’ and future directions’ etc. There are 232 participants attending the work-shop.

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