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Attributes of an ideal, effective and inspiring speaker

By Shri Ramesh Shinde

The time between 2015 and 2018 will see a peak in emotional and intellectual efforts towards the Establishment of Hindu Rashtra. This time will witness severe clashes of the ideological and intellectual kind. There is a dearth of effective speakers who will be able to defend Hindu Dharma on the intellectual plane, as well as ignite pride for Dharma in the masses. We need to fill this void.

Today, numbers do not support those who are striving tirelessly for Hindutva. Thereby there is a need for ideal and effective speakers who will be able to inspire and attract people to contribute. Considering the physical, mental, intellectual ability together with available modern technology for developing this impressive oratory and it’s use for Hindu religion we are to study today.


1. Importance of developing personal skills !

The nature of the work that lies ahead is such that merely developing oratory skills will not suffice. The speaker should also invest time and energy to develop personal skills like developing contacts and also making them active in this task. So, after inspiring and awakening Hindus with the speeches, the speaker can then also unite them and guide them to assume active roles in the establishment of the Hindu Rashtra (Sanatan Dharma Rajya).

2. Developing a pleasing personality

A. Exercise and Pranayam

As the adage goes ‘a sound mind resides in a sound body’, so the body must be fit, only then will the mind be enthusiastic. Only if the speaker is enthusiastic, will the topic be effectively conveyed, else it leads to boredom for the listeners. By exercising and practicing pranayam regularly, we can increase our fitness as well as our enthusiasm.

B. Smile on the face

This is important for the speakers. A pleasant, smiling face always attracts people in the society. If our face is tense or dejected, others hesitate to converse. Hence it is advised that Speaker should try to maintain a smile on the face.

C. Orderliness

In the interest of establishing the Hindu Rashtra (Sanatan Dharma Rajya) (Sanatan Dharma Rajya), it is essential for the speaker to inculcate this quality.

  • Clothing: Clothes should always be clean and neatly ironed. The colours of clothing should be suitable to the cause of Hindutva i.e. saffron, yellow or other such mild colours. Transparent, very dark or very bright clothing should not be worn.
  • Hair-style : Regularly apply oil and comb your hair. Hair-style should be Satvik. Take care to see that the forehead is not obscured by hair. Lady speakers can tie their hair up in a braid or a bun.
  • Applying Kumkum tilak : We represent Hindu Dharma. So always wear a Kumkum tilak on our forehead. The tilak may get wiped away due to perspiration, so always carry kumkum with you.
  • Documents : We may be required to talk on various issues such as Hindu Rashtra (Sanatan Dharma Rajya), religious festivals, atrocities by religious fanatics on Hindus, cheating in the name of religious salvation etc. So it is good to have related newspaper clippings, printouts, and other documents, all classified according to the topic, with us as a ready reference. Related soft copies (computer files) must also be classified accordingly. It will be easier to share these files with others too if needed.

If you find it necessary to refer to the documents or a particular text while speaking on a subject, take care to ensure that the file/ papers are not beyond the podium.

3. Development of Mental Capability

A. Enthusiasm

Our involvement in the Seva depends upon how enthusiastically we approach it. If we are enthusiastic then that enthusiasm spreads among everyone.

B. Positive Attitude

It is important to develop a positive attitude. You may have to face several adverse situations such as : programmes that do not start in time, being asked to speak for lesser time than that was allotted, fewer listeners than expected, having to debate with people who harbour a negative or antagonistic attitude etc. It pays to have a positive attitude to be able to face these situations effectively.

C. Self-confidence

Some of us look at the more experienced and impressive orators and feel inhibited to speak. We have to remember that no one is a born orator. One becomes a better speaker by virtue of hard work, fearlessness, rectification of mistakes etc. If we follow this process, then we too can become better speakers.

D. Restraint

It is possible that we may have to face people on the dais who may pose opposing views. In such situations, instead of becoming tense the speaker should calmly offer an effective rebuttal to these views by using supporting evidence. Avoid reacting. Expressing reactively will harm us as well as the Dharmakarya. This will also ensure that the others are not hurt by our words, failing which it becomes difficult to unite people.

E. Presence of Mind

The speaker should have presence of mind. For example if it rains, make an emotional appeal to the spectators to stay back; it there are disturbances on the ground, appeal to them to not get distracted. You should also share and compliment the good points shared by the other speakers, compliment the good work by the organizers. Presence of mind will help you overcome adverse situations as well as present your points across effectively. Presence of mind will also help share our viewpoints with the reporters in press conferences.

4. Reading and study improve a speaker !

The strength of a good Speaker lies in his reading, contemplation and versatility of knowledge. In short, study relating to Rashtra and Dharma is a Sadhana by itself. This is an intellectual fight against the opponents of Dharma and for defeating them we have to study their literature and history, thereby pinpointing imperfection in their literature as also their history. This will enable us to remove their systematically planted mistrust amongst people about Hindu Dharma.

5. Use Modern Technology

We can certainly take advantage of modern technology towards our services, e.g. Call conference or Skype for discussions with many people, mobile applications such as Wunderlist, Evernote. Google Keep for Note taking, for latest happenings one can take News Hunt. Also the Samiti’s website – will be useful for news related to attacks on Rashtra and Dharma.

6. Perfect planning

Being organised, and able to plan well is a very good trait to have. A proper planning can enable use to reach the place of the lecture earlier. Unlike the other speakers from the society, we are not going there merely to give a speech. We need to forge a bond with the organisers, after the program we can discuss the subject with the audience, we need to inspire them to participate in the Dharmakarya. All this is possible if the planning is perfect.

7. How to prepare on a particular subject ?

Sometimes the speaker knows the subject well, but may face the question of how to effectively present the topic before the audience. Hence it is advisable to first understand the subject fro the perspective of Dharma. Also few examples on the issue, latest happenings relating to the topic, facts and figures should be collected. All this material can be referenced while preparing for the talk. It takes approximately 5 minutes to go through an A4 size sheet, so this has to be remembered while preparing, so as to finish in the time allotted by the organizers.

8. How to effectively present the topic ?

A. The audience is more receptive if we are able to present documents (like Right to Information replies, newspaper report clippings, facts and figures etc.) to support whatever we are saying.

B. If possible, we can use Slide Projectors, Video while presenting the subject.

C. The topic should be presented with due consideration to the local situation and audience. If possible, the talk should be spontaneous and straight from the heart instead of simply reading out from a paper.

D. Remember that the audience has to start doing some sort of Dharmakarya, so the topic can be presented accordingly.

E. Avoid being too technical or theoretical. Use simple examples that will help the audience understand and also implement the ideas being shared in their everyday life.

F. Pronunciation and language should be precise, clear and correct. Be aware about the time limitations. After the introductory address, speak confidently, with proper pauses, thereby winning the audience’s attention. After inculcating such qualities, you are bound to become an effective and impressive speaker.

9. Points while doing Dharmaprasar !

A. Present points related to Rashtra and Dharma with Kshatravrutti

In order to develop Kshatravrutti (Warrior attitude) within self, seekers and devout-Hindus should learn to speak directly while talking on Rashtra and Dharma. The general public likes this and the opponents only understand this language!

B. Present the Dharmik perspective in clear terms

Many times, the media creates such situations where we start to stray away from the principles. In such situations, do not worry about what people will think, but give priority to understanding the situation from the perspective of Dharma and presenting it in clear terms.

C. To impress upon the people the idea of Hindu Rashtra

Since establishment of Hindu Rashtra (Sanatan Dharma Rajya) is our ultimate aim, people should be made aware of it. Many people are unable to explain the meaning of Hindu Rashtra. The extent to which people from the society will be inspired to participate in the establishment of the Hindu Rashtra will depend on how deep our study of the matter is and how effectively we are able to express it before the people.

10. Some Do’s and Don’ts for Dharmaprasaraks !

Dharmaprasaraks (spokespersons for Dharma) are invited to various programs to express their views on incidents connected with Hindu Dharma. Be aware of the following points while interacting with the other speakers or members of the press, and also while presenting the matter :

A. Informal small talk should be avoided. Also, if some controversial topic crops up, avoid giving an informal opinion or personal opinions.

B. Instead of expressing views on an emotional basis, always present a principled view.

C. Avoid expressing any incorrect view (not consistent with what Dharma says) just to please the other people in the panel.

D. Avoid personal attacks while expressing opposing views.

E. A good speaker not only knows what to say, he knows what NOT to say!

F. Do not imitate anyone in a bid to become a better speaker. Your speech does not hurt anyone. Remember your responsibility, maintain decorum, and present views so that no one gets insulted. Use moderate language, avoid inciting anyone, lest we have to face the ramifications.

G. We should note down the points dealt as well as those learnt from co-speakers. We should not be under any pressure of co-speakers while delivering speech. You can forge a close bond by respecting them.

11. Remember that the chaitanya in your Voice is more Important than the art of oration !

Since oration is an intellectual level skill, its impact remains for a short period. Hence the effect of mammoth rallies of politicians on the people is temporary. On the contrary, though Saints may not be versed in the art of oration, they are able to inspire the people to start Sadhana and make something of their life. That is the strength of the Chaitanya in the Saints’ voice. In short, the importance of oratory skill is 30% while that of Chaitanya is 70%. Hence it is all the more important for those involved in the establishment of Hindu Rashtra (Sanatan Dharma Rajya) to have Chaitanya in their voice for which Sadhana is a must. Society is benefited from an individual possessing both.

Remember that since the art of oration is an intellectual skill there is a possibility of developing ego in the individual, while the Saints (due to the Chaintanya) will not develop an ego. Therefore, the speakers should start Sadhana i.e. chanting, to progress spiritually. Apart from this, gratefulness at the feet of God for getting an opportunity for being an advocate for Dharma as well as making a prayer to the effect that ‘God alone is speaking through me’, will automatically result in more people being attracted to the task.

Prayer at the lotus feet of the Sadguru : Let this article lead to the task of establishing Hindu Rashtra, undertaken by the Dharmaprasaraks, become more effective and result oriented.

Shri Ramesh Shinde, National Spokesperson, Hindu Janajagruti Samiti

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