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HJS Maharashtra convener Shri. Sunil Ghanvat meets industrialists at Sawantwadi

Participate in various projects effective for laying the foundation of Hindu Rashtra : Call to industrialists by Shri. Sunil Ghanvat, the Maharashtra State Convener of HJS

While discussing with industrialists and Dharmapremi in Sawantwadi, from right Shri. Sunil Ghanvat and Shri. Rajendra Patil

Sawantwadi : If the Hindu society awakens and comes together forgetting differences about caste, sects, parties etc. then it can be active in protecting the Dharma. Direction regarding how to organise effective projects prepared by HJS for laying the foundation of Hindu Rashtra, is given. The main reason behind the denigration of Hindus is their lacking in Dharmabhiman. Muslims get Dharmashikshan in madrasas, Christians in church but Hindu do not get it. Hence they have no pride for Dharma. For this reason HJS imparts free Dharmashikshan through classes. Shri. Sunil Ghanvat gave a call to all to participate in this mission.

HJS had held meeting at 8 places, namely, Devgad, Kankavli, Malvan, Kudal, Sawantwadi etc. in Dist. Sindhudurga for Dharmabhimani, industrialists, donors, volunteers taking initiative to organise Dharmajagruti Sabhas. At this time Shri. Sunil Ghanvat gave guidance to the assembly concerning the present situation of the Rashtra and Dharma, Hindus’ apathy towards Dharma, efforts to be put in by Hindutvanishtha and public for establishing Hindu Rashtra.

Shri. Ghanvat said, that due to so called secular democracy, the society, Rashtra and Dharma have deteriorated tremendously. As a remedy for Hindus’ social, national and spiritual problems, it is essential to establish Hindu Rashtra based on Dharma. With this intention HJS is working to unite Hindus through undertaking projects like Dharmashikshan, Dharmajagruti and Dharmarakshan. If all participate in this mission as per their capacity by giving as much time for it as possible, then they will sacrifice their body, mind and wealth and they will progress spiritually also. In the Dharmashikshan class guidance is given regarding the supremacy of Hindu Dharma, God-realisation and how to perform actions as sadhana for establishing Hindu Rashtra and planning is done for further actions collectively in protecting Dharma.

Shri. Rajendra Patil introduced the HJS mission to the assembly.

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