Mumbai : Pune police have not filed any case against Dawood, Hafiz Saeed or Hasina Parkar; but it is so condemnable that a case has been filed by them against ‘Pujya’ Sambhajirao Bhide Guiruji who has taught us to follow the path shown by patriotic and righteous Chhatrapati Shivaji Maharaj. Police have fallen prey to the ploy of few devious organizations and taken such action. All Saints from this country will however, take to streets if ‘Pujya’ Bhide Guruji was even touched, warned Acharya Jitendraji Maharaj.
Acharya Jitendraji Maharaj said in this context, “‘Pujya’ Bhide Guruji guides today’s youth on ways to protect our culture. He had gone to Pune for blending devotion and power together. Why don’t police try to understand this ? I make an appeal to all pro-Hindu organizations and citizens to support Guruji.”
Source : Dainik Sanatan Prabhat