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Panun Kashmir press conference to address socio-political scenario in J-K

Panun Kashmir organized a Press Conference at Jammu today to address the socio-political scenario in the state. The Press Conference was addressed by S/Shri Ashwani Kumar Chrungoo, President, Panun Kashmir, Prof. M.L.Raina, Chairman, Political Affairs Committee and Virender Raina, National Spokesperson-PK.

Shri Ashwani Kumar Chrungoo, President, Panun Kashmir while addressing the press conference said that Panun Kashmir expresses its appreciation of the statements made by Shri Ram Madhav, National General Secretary, BJP that “the Centre won’t engage in talks with the separatists in Kashmir”. It is gratifying to note that Shri Ram Madhav has reflected the national sentiment on Kashmir in his statement that “BJP will not be in the government the day it feels that sovereignty and national interest are being compromised in Kashmir valley”.  Panun Kashmir in this context would like to make it clear that no government at the Centre is mandated to discuss the issues related to sovereignty and territorial integrity of the country. Any negotiation or hobnobbing with the separatist and terrorist elements in Kashmir is tantamount to granting legitimacy to the so-called Azadi-Nizame Mustafa band. Moreover, the assertion of the State of India that ‘terror and talks cannot go together’ demands that terror emanating from Pakistan is to be eliminated lock stock and barrel in order to establish Peace in Kashmir. The terrorists and extremist-secessionist forces cannot claim to be the stakeholders as they are responsible for death, destruction and ethnic cleansing of the indigenous people of Kashmir.  The Kashmiri Pandits are the first and primary stakeholders of the territory and legacy of Kashmir who have been forced to live as refugees own country.

Shri Virender Raina, National Spokesperson-PK said that Kashmir as an international issue has long extinguished from the public discourse. In this context, the opinions expressed by former Secretary Generals of the United Nations from time to time “that the resolution on Kashmir has lost its relevance and is a time barred document of the UN body” should serve as a clear message to all those who harp upon the archaic and irrelevant resolution on Kashmir, and have taken recourse to terrorism and mayhem to further their anti-India agenda. Panun Kashmir appeals to the present Secretary General of the UN to impress upon Pakistan to stop cross border terrorism into India and also dismantle the terror infrastructure spread across the length and breadth of Pakistan.

Prof. M.L.Raina, Chairman, Political Affairs Committee said that the absurd ideas like Autonomy, self-rule, pre-1953 position have all been overtaken by events. Certain political parties by raising these issues are fundamentally creating confusion in the minds of people. The people of Jammu and Kashmir want complete integration of the state with the rest of India and as such the time has come for the abrogation of Article 370. Moreover, this Article has been responsible for creating a State within the State thus giving rise to fissiparous tendencies. This Article has over the years also created a psychological barrier in a certain section of population and that sentiment has been exploited by the forces inimical to the Indian nation.

Source : Press Release by Panun Kashmir

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