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Refuting mockery of ‘Deep Amavasya’ by calling it as ‘Gatari Amavasya’

An appeal to all Hindus !

Deep Amavasya (known for cleaning of lamps) is referred to as ‘gatari amavasya’ by few perverted-minded people and they are defaming Hindu Dharma. There is no festival like ‘gatari’ in Hindu Dharma. Such name has been given by drunkards. All lamps are cleaned on this day and ‘puja’ is performed. Lamps dispel darkness in life and give us light. This is the festival to pay gratitude to them !

Therefore, this ‘amavasya’ may be called as ‘Deep (cleaning of lamps) amavasya’ and should not be called ‘gatari’ even with humour. Nobody advises to consume liquor on this day; in fact, it is advised to perform ‘puja’ of lamps and pay gratitude to them.

An appeal to Hindus

Hindus beware ! Tomorrow, these heretics will claim that our Dharma advises us to celebrate ‘gatari’ and to consume liquor on this day.

Hindus should create awareness amongst people and try to stop perverted propaganda about this festival. Hindus should be united for preservation of honour of our festivals and culture.

– A devout Hindu (message on WhatsApp)

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