It’s the Hindu survival, stupid :The term ‘Hindu-terrorism’ is an oxymoron.

Bhadrapad Krushna Ashtami Kaliyug Varsha 5112

By: Vishwamitra

Hinduism and all other Indic religions are the most peaceful, ahimsa-centric and pacific amongst major world religions, far removed from any form of terrorism.

 Hindus in their more than 5 millennia of recorded existence have always strived for peaceful co-existence and never coerced or subjugated any other religion. Mahatma Gandhi often hailed as an apostle of non violence is a prominent example of the Hindu ethos. An oft-repeated quote of Gandhi is ‘An eye for an eye makes the world blind’.

Though politically correct, this quote is out of touch with ground reality. An aggressor unrestrained by fear of retaliation has no compunction in blinding a victim who willingly turns the other cheek.

 The result: only the non-violent victim is blinded while the unopposed aggressor goes scot-free. Take the example of Guru Teg Bahadur, the ninth Guru of the Sikhs, a staunch follower of non-violence who went to the Delhi court of Aurangzeb, the Islamic ruler of India , pleading for religious tolerance.

 He and his unarmed followers met with a well documented gruesome death by torture when they refused to convert to Islam. Would not have Mahatma Gandhi’s non-violent movement met a similar fate if it were pitted against the sword of Islam?

Islam had till Aurangzeb’s time, a free run in the Indian subcontinent. Countless millions of Hindus were slaughtered during the ingress of Islam in India . Countless other millions of Hindus converted to Islam to escape persecution and certain death.

 These endless vile and abhorrent assaults on Hinduism culminating during Aurangzeb’s rule finally exhausted the patience and resilience of non-violent India .

 With this last straw, Hinduism became compelled to counter-act and operationalize Newton ’s famous law of physical motion– ‘Every action leads to an opposite reaction’.

The seeds of counter-resistance were sown by the noble and valiant Guru Gobind Singh, son of Guru Teg Bahadur, who raised the banner of revolt against Aurangzeb and his intolerable version of Wahabi Sunni Islam.

 This resurgence of Hindu self-preservation and self-defense spearheaded by Guru Gobind Singh in the North and Chhatrapati Shivaji in the South came as a rude shock  to fanatical Islamists who hitherto had carried out a several centuries long campaign of massive genocide in the killing fields of Siindhu-sthanam.

 This monumental turning point in Indian history signaled the beginning of the end of foreign domination. Once the seeds of Hindu resurgence took root, there was no turning back.

 Guru Gobind Singh summarized the mind-set transformation of violence-abhorring Hindus to fearless defenders of their glorious religion with these immortal words, “I can fight hawks with sparrows”.

A similar scenario is unfolding in recent years. The Indian republic is witnessing wave upon wave of foreign inspired and fostered acts of jihadi terrorism seeking to somehow re-establish Islamic domination over the Indian heartland.

 Assault after assault is greeted by a spineless Government that is in a constant denial mode and loath to upset its cart of vote bank politics. A robust plan against terrorism would have defused the surcharged and explosive atmosphere created by terrorism.

Instead, the nation is treated to inane lectures by personalities comfortably ensconced in their Z plus security, justifying and rationalizing these attacks and directly or indirectly laying the blame on victims.

 For how long can this charade last? Governmental inaction and apathy are leading on to resentment and ire in the population prompting the Government to employ diversionary tactics.  Fabricated incidents of so called ‘Saffron terrorism’ have let loose a new frenzy in Government circles and amongst their surrogates in the media.

Now the pseudo-secular (and fanatically anti-Hindu) political system and media have found a favorite new whipping boy. These Goebbelian experts are straining overtime to make the mountains of jihadi terror directed against the Indian state look like molehills.

Conversely, the invention of saffron terrorism is being microscopically examined from infinite angles and imaginary mole-hills are made to look like mountains. Thankfully, public outrage forced these disinformation disseminating spin-doctors to temporarily beat a hasty retreat.

 Hasn’t the long history of Hinduism been enough to convince these morons that its core philosophy is “live and let live”. If the Government spends even one tenth of the energy in combating terrorism as it is in trying to find a scapegoat in ‘Saffron terrorism’, then half the battle would be won.

The bottom line is that the limits of Hindu non-violence and tolerance are being severely tested by incessant and unrequited terrorist attacks. No community can afford to remain silent when its identity and religion is threatened in its very country of origin. In this struggle for self-preservation, the sparrows of yester-years stand poised to be the garudas of today.

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