Chennai : A meeting was organised by Hindu Makkal Munnani on 13 August 2017 near Anjaneya temple, Pattalam, Chennai in appreciation of High court verdict making singing of ‘Vande Mataram’ compulsory in public places. Shri. V. G. Narayanan, head of Hindu Makkal Munnani presided over the meeting. Many hindu leaders including Shri. R. D. Prabhu, Bharat Hindu Munnani, Shri. Vasanthkumar, All India Hindu Sathya Sena participated in the meeting.
On behalf of HJS Shri. Vinayak Shanbhag and Sou. Uma Ravichandran participated. Sou. Uma during her speech told about the immense sacrifice made by freedom fighters with Vande Mataram as their sacred mantra to free Bharat Mata, the present deplorable state of our country and the importance of doing spiritual practice to re establish the Hindu Rashtra and regain the glory of our motherland as the spiritual master of the world. Around 60 ardent Hindutvavadis participated in the meeting. The meeting concluded with Vande Mataram and National anthem.