Idol of Datta was damaged second time at Ambadvet (Dist. Pune)

Ashwin Shuddha Shashthi, Kaliyug Varsha 5112

Idol of Sri Dattatreya was damaged by Anti-Hindus

Idol of Sri Dattatreya was damaged by Anti-Hindus

Pune (Maharashtra): Idol of Datta from Datta Temle in Ambadvet, Mulshi taluka was damaged for the second time in last six months. (Incident of idol-breaking takes place twice in 6 months shows that the offenders are not scared of either the police or the administration. The Congress Government, boasting about its secular policy, does not care about religious sentiments of Hindus and therefore, those, involved in such acts of desecrating seats of Hindu faith, are taking advantage. Hindus must unite and take the Government to task ! – Editor SP) The priest is feeling helpless due to the incident.

About six months back, the idol of Datta was broken by some miscreants. A new idol of marble was prepared and consecrated; but similar incident took place in the midnight of 9th October. The idol-breakers cut the iron bars fitted in the windows for entering the temple. They broke the bolt and latch of the sanctum sanctorum. The right hand and two left hands of the idol were broken. Oil was poured on the idol and an attempt was made to even burn the idol by lighting a cloth. (Hindus must realize that their temples are not safe in the Congress regime and now prepare themselves to protect the temples ! – Editor SP)

On 10th October as the priest went to the temple in the morning as usual, he observed the same. The donation box was, however, not touched. This shows that the purpose was only damaging the idol. Sarpanch and other locals gathered at the temple in large number. (Hindus should take effective measures in lawful manner so as to put a curb on anti-Hindus rather than just gathering to see what had happened ! – Editor SP) Police carried out investigations with the help of their dog-squad; but could not find anything. Priest is therefore, feeling helpless; none of the pro-Hindu organizations has followed up the matter.   

Source: Daily Sanatan Prabhat

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