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Amravati : Hindu Rashtra Sanghatak workshop held successfully

Resolve by participating devout Hindus in ‘Hindu Rashtra Sanghatak’ workshop : To undertake ‘sadhana’ to be good ‘Hindu Rashtra Sanghatak’ and propagate for Hindu Rashtra as much as possible !

Devout Hindus participating in the workshop and in centre, Sanatan Sanstha’s ‘Prasar-sevak’ Sadguru Nandkumar Jadhav

Amravati : Hindu Janajagruti Samiti (HJS) held two-day ‘Hindu Rashtra Sanghatak’ workshop. All participants made a resolve to undertake spiritual practice and follow the process for removal of personality defects and ego for becoming good ‘Sanghataks’. The workshop was held on 12th and 13th August and was attended by devout Hindus from Amravati and Yeotmal.

Guidance was given by speakers on different subjects such as ‘Sadhana as per Gurukrupayoga’; process for removal of personality defects and ego; undertaking drive for good governance; becoming good speaker; importance of divine grace while working as ‘Hindu Sanghatak’ amongst people; remedies on removing negative energy problems etc and discussions were held on these topics.

Sadguru Nandkumar Jadhav, Sanatan Sanstha’s spokesperson Shri. Chetan Rajhans, Shri. Shrikant Pisolkar, Coordinator of HJS for Vidarbha, Shri. Nilesh Tavlare, HJS Coordinator for Amravati gave guidance and got experimental part done from the participants.

In the concluding session, devout Hindus narrated what they learnt and experiences they had during workshop. The workshop was concluded with singing of ‘Vande Mataram’. Shri. Ganesh Bahale was thanked for providing ‘Amba Mangalam’ hall free of cost.


1. Shri. Manoj Vishwakarma, a devout Hindu wanted to attended the workshop but his employer didn’t grant him leave; still he firmly told the employer that he would attend come what may; after which the employer granted him necessary leave.

2. Devout Hindus also took part in making preparations and winding up after the workshop.

Views expressed by devout Hindus

1. Shri. Amit Kale – Had experience of ‘Rama-rajya’ after attending HJS program.

2. Shri. Abhishek Dixit – Felt sure of establishment of Hindu Rashtra after attending the workshop

3. Shri. Sandip Rajgure – I have done lot of work related to ‘Hindutva’; but I was in search of someone honestly working for the same. After coming in this workshop, my search of all these years is over. Henceforth, I will work with HJS.

4. Shri. Sandip Rathod – Learnt about harm caused due to personality defects and ego.

5. Kum. Ankita Thakare – Learnt about need to study law while working as ‘Hindu Sanghatak’ and got inspiration for future work.

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