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Two day ‘Hindu Sanghatak’ workshop by HJS at Mangaluru

From left – Shri. Guruprasad (speaking), Sadguru Satyawan Kadam, Shri. Kashinath Prabhu and Shri. Ramanand Gowda

Mangaluru (Karnataka) : Hindu Janajagruti Samiti (HJS) held ‘Hindu Sanghatak’ workshop for two days on 9th and 10th August at Sanatan Sevakendra. 23 devout Hindus from South Canara’s Mangaluru, Puttur, Sulya and Ujire talukas attended the workshop. Sanatan’s Sadguru Satyawan Kadam graced the occasion with his presence. Shri. Ramanand Gowda, Sanatan’s Karnataka State ‘Dharmaprasarak’ and Shri. Kashinath Prabhu; so also Shri. Guruprasad, Karnataka State Coordinator of HJS and Shri. Mohan Gowda addressed the participants.

Guidance was given on various topics such as ‘importance of sadhana, original concept of Hindu Rashtra, importance of removal of personality defects and ego while uniting Hindus; importance of spiritual remedies, skill-development and effective ‘Dharmaprasar’ through personal contacts’ etc.

Views expressed by participants

1. Shri. Jairaj Salian, Ujire : Removal of personality defects and ego is not only necessary for establishment of Hindu Rashtra but it is also necessary for getting happiness in worldly life. Such knowledge is not imparted even in big universities as we received during two-days of workshop.

2. Shri. Dinesh M.P. Mangaluru : I have faced huge loss in my worldly and family life due to personality defects and ego in past 18 years. I feel, there was lack of humanity in me so far but I am going to try honestly and with goal in my life from today.

3. Advocate Uday Kumar B.K : I also felt like becoming a seeker when I observed ‘preeti’, humility, closeness like family members amongst seekers and devout Hindus.

4. Shri. Manjunath Gowda : I had not seen so good management, cleanliness and affection amongst seekers as found in Mangaluru seva-kendra. Sanatan Sanstha is the only organization that teaches all these things.


1. Devout Hindus showed lot of interest in knowing more about the process of removal of personality defects and ego.

2. All participants made a resolve to start 15 new Dharmashikshan classes, to hold ‘Dharmajagruti Sabhas’ at 15 places and stage ‘Rashtriya Hindu Andolan’ at 2 places taking inspiration from the workshop.

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