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‘Pujya’ Dr. Charudatta Pingale’s guidance at Devas (Madhya Pradesh)

Inferiority complex about own Dharma will be removed from amongst Hindus if imparted ‘Dharmashikshan’, sayd Pujya (Dr.) Pingale, national guide of HJS

Devout Hindus attending the lecture

Devas (Madhya Pradesh) : The British abolished ‘Gurukul’ education system of Bharat so that Hindus shouldn’t learn anything about their glorifying history and Dharma. The British devised their own education system for Hindus to become their slaves, mentally as well as physically. It created inferiority complex in Hindus about their own Dharma, own culture and own glorifying history. ‘Dharmashikshan’ once again needs to be imparted for removal of such inferiority complex. Hindus will get awakened and will certainly establish Hindu Rashtra, stated ‘Pujya’ Dr. Charudatta Pingale, the national Guide of Hindu Janajagruti Samiti (HJS).

Shri. Manoj Solanki, a local devout Hindu had organized a lecture on ‘Need for establishment of Hindu Rashtra’ at Devas. More than 150 Hindus attended the lecture. Shri. Kailash Chandavat, Secretary of RSS for Shajapur area was the Chairman of the program. Many devout Hindus, including Shri. Manish Solanki, Shri. Manoj Joshi, Shri. Neelkanth Katare etc were present on the occasion. A book exhibition and exhibition of flex-boards on ‘Dharmajagruti’ was held at the venue of the program and received good response from the participants.

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