Public money wasted in providing artificial tanks under the pretext of protection of environment : What action Chief Minister and Environment Minister will take ? – HJS
The opposition to immerse idols in flowing water has started under the false pretence that ‘Water is polluted due to immersion of idols’, under the pressure of atheists, and during last few years, Municipal Administration in many cities have started a despicable tradition of immersing idols in artificial tanks. Hindu Janajagruti Samiti persistently organised agitations on this issue, submitted memorandums, created awareness; however, Municipal Administration, blinded by their so-called ‘progressive’ outlook, neglected the demands of Samiti. When Hindu Janajagruti Samiti raised a query under the RTI Act with Mumbai Municipal Corporation about what happens to the water in the artificial tanks, the Municipal Corporation gave a shocking answer that ‘After immersion of the idols, the water in artificial tank is discharged on the site itself’. Since the water is discharged on site itself, it flows into nearest water source. Therefore, the whole exercise to prepare artificial tanks to avoid water pollution comes to nought. Therefore, Hindu Janajagruti Samiti has raised the question with the Chief Minister and Environment Minister as to what action would be taken against those who have wasted public money in building artificial tanks under the pretext of protection of environment ?
Moreover, by using garbage trucks to transport the Idols, desecration of Shri Ganesh is caused. If the religious sentiments of Hindus are neglected by the Hindutvavadi Government, on whom Hindus would be expected to keep trust ? Such practice is being followed, more or less in most of Municipal bodies. The idols immersed in artificial tanks are thrown in the creek or stone quarries. The water in artificial tanks is discharged in water sources or drainage. The question arises as to how the Municipal administration has been able to protect the environment by causing the pollution themselves, in a way. On the other hand, crores of public money paid through taxes is wasted. Thousands of man-hours of the Government employees have been wasted. The religious sentiments of Hindus are hurt. The Government should clarify whether it would take any action against those implementing such wrong ideas without carrying out any scientific study, asked Mr. Sunil Ghanvat, State Organiser of Hindu Janajagruti Samiti.
Maharashtra Pollution Control Board, instead of implementing such anti-Dharma programmes, should enlighten idol-makers to make idols out of pipeclay and paint them in natural colours, encourage them to do so and give them subsidies. Similarly, the idols made from Plaster of Paris and paper pulp should be banned, demanded Hindu Janajagruti Samiti. The Samiti also said that the Government should clarify the action which it proposes to take over highly poisonous drainage water which is a basic cause of pollution and amounts to the huge quantity of 2571.7 million litres, that is being discharged daily into the rivers, rivulets and water sources, without subjecting it to any process.