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‘Hindu Rashtra Sanghatak’ work shop held successfully at Ratnagiri

Demand for Hindu Rashtra is the constitutional right of Hindus ! – Shri. Sunil Ghanavat, HJS

From left – Shri. Sandip Shinde, Shri. Vinod Gadikar and Shri. Sanjay Joshi (speaking)

Ratnagiri : England and Australia can be Christian countries; Pakistan and Bangladesh can be Islamic countries; then why can’t India, where Hindus are in majority, be a Hindu Rashtra, was the question asked by Shri. Sunil Ghanavat, State Coordinator of Hindu Janajagruti Samiti (HJS) for Maharashtra; while addressing two-day work shop on ‘Hindu Rashtra Sanghatak’. He said that demanding Hindu Rashtra is a right conferred by the Constitution of this country. Devout Hindus from the district participated in the work shop.

Shri. Sunil Ghanavat said further, “India has thousands of years of enriching and glorifying history of ideal Kings from Shriram, Chhatrapati Shivaji Maharaj and from Samrat Chandragupta to Maharaj Ranajitsingh. We have history of ideal governance but even after 70 years of independence, what we see around us is only corruption, anarchy, increasing crimes, appeasement of minorities, reservations etc. There are rulers elected by people in democracy; still deterioration of the country is taking place very fast. It is, therefore, necessary to fight against such evil tendencies in democracy and it is a part of collective (samashti) spiritual practice.

Our character should be ideal when we contact people at large. Our behavior, speaking etc should be ideal. If our behavior, speaking etc is ideal when it is complemented with removal of personality defects and ego and then, we will certainly be eligible for ‘Rama-rajya’. A good worker, good organizer can help creating good unification and good unification is the foundation of Hindu Rashtra.”

Removal of personality defects and ego is the only solution to progress in spiritual practice ! – Shri. Sandip Shinde and Sou. Pallavi Lanjekar

Undertaking spiritual practice is essential for establishment of Hindu Rashtra. Undertaking any kind of ‘sadhana’ will still require removal of personality defects and ego. Individual spiritual progress means ‘God realization’, is the goal of ‘sadhana’. Every act should be done by associating it with spiritual practice, stated Shri. Sandip Shinde and Sou. Pallavi Lanjekar of Sanatan Sanstha.

Shri. Vinod Gadikar, Ratnagiri District Coordinator explained why it was necessary to make use of modern social media for propagation of Dharma and he thanked all participants attending the work shop.

The work shop on ‘Hindu Rashtra Sanghatak’ was concluded with singing of full ‘Vande Mataram’ by Kum. Shrutika Ghorpade, a devout Hindu. Shri. Paresh Gujarathi and Kum. Sneha Joshi did compeering of the two-day program.

Feedback by devout Hindus attending work shop

1. Shri. Suresh Udeg : Strength of mind and capacity increased on attending work shop.

2. Kum. Manasi  Wadekar : We were able to learn many things because we were allowed to participate. Had the workshop been for one more day, we could have learnt more.

3. Shri. Siddharth Khillare : We learnt the manner of behaviour and speaking required for a ‘Hindu Rashtra Sanghatak’. We shall try to follow it henceforth.

4. Shri. Sachin Sakpal : The mission of establishment of Hindu Rashtra is for self. First we must practise spirituality and do something for God realization, was the awareness created during this work shop.

5. Kum. Kruttika Ghorpade : Felt lot of ‘chaitanya’ on coming for the work shop. I will try for Hindu unification even through small things.

6. Shri. Prakash Kondaskar :  It was worth keeping tuition classes closed for two days for attending this work shop. It was also realized that increasing ‘Prem-bhav’ can help in maximum unification of Hindus.

7. Kum. Sheetal Padhye : Increased self-confidence by attending the work shop. I could learn that with the help of others, we can carry out ‘Hindutva’ activities in ideal manner and at fast pace.

8. Shri. Prashant Karambele : We practise spirituality when at home; but I didn’t realize my mistakes happening in small things. I learnt about it only in this work shop.

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