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Maharashtra : Huge success of HJS in preventing unscientific idol-donation drive

  • Good response received for Shri Ganesh-idol immersion’ drive of HJS !
  • Activists of anti-Dharma organizations didn’t turn up at immersion places !
HJS volunteers participating in immersion drive at Satara

Satara : Hindu Janajagruti Samiti (HJS) and other like-minded organizations have been creating awareness for many years about ideal way of celebrating Ganesh festival; including immersion of idols. This year, there was not a single incident of idol-donation and idols were immersed at all places as per the science. Devotees ignored anti-Dharma organizations promoting idol-donation; therefore, activists of such organizations didn’t turn up at immersion places. (Hindus should offer gratitude to God for this success !- Editor, Hindujagruti)

HJS undertook drive to assist Ganesh-devotees and police administration for peaceful immersion of idols at ‘Sangammahuli’ at the bank of River Krushna. Under this drive, HJS volunteers helped local residents, devotees and administration and received their appreciation. Awareness was also created through boards displayed by volunteers at immersion place.

Good response to appeal for idol-immersion in river at Karad (Dist Satara)

Karad (Dist. Satara) : HJS created awareness amongst devotees towards importance of immersion of idols through boards carried by them. Appeal made by HJS for immersion of idols in flowing water received very good response. Few people, however, immersed idols in artificial water tank erected by municipality. Shri. Lakshman Pawar, Shri. Manohar Jadhav, Shri. Surendra Bhasme, Shri. Chintamani Parkhe, Sou. Neela Desai, Kum. Suvarna Patil and many volunteers were present on the occasion.

Devotees keep away from artificial water tank at Wai (Dist. Satara)

Wai (Dist. Satara) : Anti-Dharma organizations and local administration had insisted for immersion of Shri Ganesh idols in artificial water tank. Shivapratishthan Hindustan, Sanatan Sanstha and Hindu Janajagruti Samiti (HJS) had created awareness amongst people about immersion of idols in flowing water as per ‘Dharma-shaastra’. The local administration had to therefore, change their obstinate stand. Chief Officer Prasad Katkar of Municipality had declared two days ago that devotees should immerse idols as per their wish. As a result, most of the devotees immersed their idols in river water. Municipal administration expressed dissatisfaction over receiving so less response to donation of Ganapati idols drive and other offered ‘puja’ material (nirmalya) despite spending so much on their drive.

Local administration cancels its decision to undertake idol-donation drive at Medha (Taluka Javali)  !

Medha (Taluka Javali, Dist. Satara) : Tehasildar Sou. Rohini Akhade had made an appeal two weeks ago for donation of idols; but realizing devotees’ inclination towards immersion of idols as per science, the decision of receiving idols by way of donation was cancelled. All devotees immersed idols in River Venna.

HJS volunteers re-immerse Shri Ganesh idols lying openly in river bed owing to inadequate water !

HJS volunteers explaining importance of immersion to devotees at Krushna Ghat at Sangli

Jaisingpur : Devotees immersed Shri Ganesh idols in River Krushna near Ankali Bridge. Idols were lying in the open in river bed since water level was not adequate for last two days. Some anti-Dharma people had brought those idols to river bank but volunteers of HJS realized it and on 6th September, more than 150 devotees re-immersed those idols in deep water. Shri. Ashok Kengar, Shri. Dhondiram Pawar, Shri. Shivaraj Ghatge and Shri. Annasaheb Varekar participated in this task. (Why did District administration and irrigation department not coordinate with each other and released more water from Koyana Dam when they know that every year, water level reduced after Shri Ganesh immersion ? Administration takes initiative in digging pits for disposing of idols but it doesn’t care for Hindus’ religious sentiments ! – Editor, Hindujagruti)


1. Shri. Annasaheb Varekar (age-66 yrs), a volunteer of HJS is suffering from backache and other acute physical problems. Even then, he took initiative in immersing idols in water despite his physical problems so as to prevent denigration of Shri Ganesh idols. It may be mentioned here that his granddaughter and Sanatan’s child-seeker Kum. Durga Ajinkya Varekar (age- 7 yrs) also participated in immersion drive. (Such child-seekers will establish Hindu Rashtra in future ! – Editor, Hindujagruti)

2. Around the same time, Vinayak, son of a person, who had come to the river for catching fish,  also joined this drive; besides 5 activists of ‘Raje Group’ from Jaisingpur joining the drive of idol-immersion. (Congratulations to members of ‘Raje Group joining HJS for prevention of denigration of idols ! Similarly, Hindus should join ‘Dharmakarya’ as much as possible, in individual capacity so also collectively ! – Editor, Hindujagruti)

Devotees keep away from artificial water tank at Pune !

Pune : On 5th September i.e. the day of Anant Chaturdashi, Ganesh idols of individual families so also public festival committees were immersed with lot of enthusiasm. Large number of devotees immersed idols in the river water. Artificial water tanks were erected by Pune Municipal Corporation (PMC); but it received very little response. Devotees were in favor of immersing idols in flowing water as per ‘Dharma-shaastra’. Awareness towards immersion of idols was created by Hindu Janajagruti Samiti under its drive at Bhide Bridge, Vruddheshwar- Siddheshwar Ghat, S.M. Joshi Bridge in Pune; at Kakade Park and Ravet Ghat in Pimpri-Chinchwad and ghats at Aundh.

Feedback from devotees   

  • Activists of ‘Sakaal Foundation’ were taking out offered flowers, leaves etc in ‘Ganesh-pujan (nirmalya)’ near Joshi Bridge. Many devotees preferred to immerse idols in flowing water as per ‘Dharma-shaastra’, without falling prey to intimidation by activists. (Anti-Hindu Dharma drive of ‘Sakaal’ ! – Editor, Hindujagruti) Restrictions are imposed only at the time of Hindus’ festivals; but we must preserve our culture. We know outcome of immersing idols in artificial water tanks; therefore, we will immerse idols only in river, said many devotees.
  • Immersion in artificial water tanks hurts religious sentiments. Immersion in flowing water, with recitation of ‘mantras’, not only purifies water but it also helps in better yield of crop.
  • Jawahar Gujar went down in river and immersed his idol. He said that every year he immerses his idol in river because immersion in water tank is against the science.


1. Few students from R.M.D College were advising devotees to immerse idols in artificial water tanks. HJS volunteers explained to them about immersion of Ganesh idols not causing pollution by showing them the report of ‘Srushti Eco Lab’; then they stopped their drive of promoting immersion in water tanks. (It shows that students are told wrong things and motivated to go against Dharma. Congratulations to students of RMD College for promptly discontinuing their drive after learning true facts ! – Editor, Hindujagruti)

Members of Shri Gajanan Mitra Mandal firm with activists of ‘Sakaal Foundation’ !

  • Activists of ‘Sakaal Foundation’ removed garlands from Shri Ganesh idols brought for immersion to ‘ghat’ as members of ‘Gajanan Mitra Mandal’ reached there. Members of ‘Gajanan Mitra Mandal’ firmly told activists of ‘Sakaal Foundation’ that they would be immersing Ganesh idols only in river even if activists took out garlands. (Ganesh-devotees from other places should keep before them ideal of devotees who immerse idols in flowing water as per ‘Dharma-shaastra’. – Editor, Hindujagruti)  
  • One devotee commended HJS drive and suggested that HJS website, contact numbers etc should also be mentioned on the boards displayed for creating awareness so as to facilitate even other people to join such activities, if interested. He too showed interest in joining HJS drive.

Police Officer Pawar inaugurates exhibition on nation and Dharma matters at Nandurbar

Nandurbar : Police Officer Shri Ramesh Pawar, said that activities of Hindu Janajagruti Samiti (HJS) for prevention of malpractices taking place in the name of celebration of Ganesh festival, are commendable. He inaugurated the exhibition of boards related to nation and Dharma matters held at Sonarwadi by HJS. The exhibition received good response from very first day and thousands of Ganesh-devotees visited the exhibition.

Sanatan Sanstha’s Saint ‘Pujya’ Kevalbai Patil and Police Officer Pawar lighted lamp as part of ideal Ganeshotsav drive undertaken by HJS at Sonarwadi which holds honour of one of the most renowned Ganapatis in the city. Shri. Ramesh Pawar inaugurated by breaking a coconut. Later, Mahamandaleshwar Ramchaitanya Maharaj visited and lauded the exhibition. VCD on right manner of celebration of Ganeshotsav and things to be avoided, drew attention of people.

Few office bearers of ‘Ganesh Mandals’ visited the exhibition and said that he would appeal members of their ‘Mandals’ to prevent malpractices. ‘Sattvik’ idol of Ganesh made of clay was kept on exhibit and it drew attention of people.

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