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Uniqueness of activities undertaken by HJS for protection of ‘Hindutva’

On the occasion of 15th anniversary of Hindu Janajagruti Samiti (HJS)

1. Every drive undertaken by HJS is based on spiritual practice. Every volunteer works for ‘Hindutva’ as part of his ‘sadhana’; therefore, such activity draws God’s grace as also becomes successful. It can be noticed from increasing pace of HJS activities. HJS has started new era of ‘Righteous Hindutva’ through the medium of such activities.

2. Keeping the goal of expansive Hindu unification in mind, HJS has successfully organized six all-India Hindu Conventions along with hundreds of pro-Hindu organizations all over the world. Thus, a novel chapter of unification of organizations has been written by HJS.

3. Hundreds of pro-Hindu organizations from all over the country therefore, consider HJS as ‘mother organization’ of all ‘Hindutvavadi’ organizations.

4. HJS took up the issue of denigration of Hindus’ Deities happening at different levels and created awareness amongst Hindus on preventing such denigration. HJS not only created awareness but also took initiative in many such cases and has successfully stopped denigration of Deities in many cases.

5. Every drive undertaken by HJS is in lawful manner and by following all rules under judicial system of this country.

6. To prevent harm caused to Dharma and to repudiate anti-Dharma thinking at thought level, was the new ideology sowed by HJS. Mockery of Deities happening through films, plays and opposition built by communists, environmentalists, secularists against different religious festival of Hindus and rituals was exposed by HJS.

7. Many spokespersons of HJS are effectively and competently presenting the side of ‘Hindutva’, Hindu Dharma and Hindus, on national and regional news channels. Many news channels invite HJS spokespersons in debate sessions held on their channels to present the side of ‘Hindutva’. It is worth mentioning here that HJS has earned a place in electronic media’s list among top organizations for presenting Hindu Dharma’s side ! It is the uniqueness of HJS.

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