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HJS takes out ‘Shrikrushna Pheri’ in Sindhudurg district on the eve of Deepavali

Sindhudurg : Competition of drawing pictures of Narakasura is in vogue in cities as well as villages and these pictures are later burnt; but it is a wrong custom followed on large scale. ‘Narak Chaturdashi’ is actually celebrated as victory of virtuous tendencies over bad tendencies. Bhagavan Shrikrushna slew Narakasura for persecuting His devotees and protected them; but it has been observed that the demon, that was slain, is being glorified with the flow of time. By spending more time with Narakasura, wrong ‘sanskars’ are being inculcated in children and youth; resulting in children going on wrong path; therefore, the young generation should keep Bhagavan Shrikrushna as their ideal and with this goal, Hindu Janajagruti Samiti (HJS) took out Shrikrushna’s picture-frame in a procession through Salgaon, Walawal and Andurle in the district, on the eve of Deepavali i.e. on 17th October at 6.00 p.m.

Walawal : The procession was started with offering coconut at Shri Sai Hanuman Mandir and doing ‘puja’ of Shrikrushna under supervision of Shri. Arun Shevade Guruji. The procession was concluded at Shri Dev Ravalnath Temple. Shri. Sanjog Salaskar of HJS addressed the participants.

Andurle : The procession was started at Kapadoswadi. Shri. Dattaprasad Samant, a devout Hindu did ‘puja’ of picture-frame of Shrikrushna. Many local devout Hindus joined the procession that was concluded at Shri Devi Andurlai Mandir. Shri. Rajendra Patil and Shri. Surendra Patil addressed the participants.

Salgaon : Sou. Smita Naik did ‘pujan’ of picture-frame of Bhagavan Shrikrushna before starting of the procession. Ten local residents did ‘puja’ on the route of procession and it was concluded at Shri Devi Mauli Mandir, the ‘Gram-devata’ of Salgaon. Shri. Rhushikesh Dhuri explained the spiritual importance of Diwali. More than 80 devout Hindus participated in the procession.

Highlights of Shrikrushna Procession at Walawal  

1. It started raining at the time of starting procession; still all participating devout Hindus were firm about completing the procession as planned; therefore, procession was taken out even in rain.

2. Shri. Anil Mayekar offered sound and light system for free, for this procession.

3. Few aged ‘Hindutvavadis’ joined the procession for some time.

4. At 6 places, ‘Shrikrushna-pujan’ was performed on the route of the procession.

5. One butterfly sat on the picture-frame of Shrikrushna in the beginning of the procession and didn’t move from its place till end of the procession.

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