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Pune : HJS creates awareness against sale of crackers with pictures of Deities

HJS gives representation to cracker- sellers at Pune

Pune : Hindu Janajagruti Samiti (HJS) handed over representation appealing traders against sale of crackers with pictures of Deities and great national leaders. Many sellers gave positive response and promised to make attempts and see to it that such crackers were not sold.

Response by traders ! 

Shri. Vipul Pawar, not keeping crackers for sale with pictures of Goddess so as to avoid denigration of Shri Lakshmi: Hindus are insulting Hindu Dharma by bursting crackers with pictures of Shri Lakshmidevi. I have not kept on sale crackers with pictures of Deities this year so that Hindus would not cause harm to Dharma. It has not affected sale of crackers in any way. In fact, in two days, more than half stock of crackers has been sold. HJS activities are good. Even I want to participate in their activities. – Shri. Vipul Raghunath Pawar, Maharudra Phataka Mart, Dhayari village

Shri. Akshay Raikar feels that pictures of Deities falling under feet was improper : We also feel, it was wrong to burst crackers with pictures of Shri Lakshmidevi and other Deities. It is necessary to keep Deities’ pictures at right place and their falling under our feet is not good for Hindu Dharma. We have kept such crackers only as exhibits at our Counter – Shri. Akshay Raikar, ‘Samasta Gaokari Phataka Mart’, Narhegaon (Congratulations to Shri. Vipul Pawar and Shri. Akshay Raikar taking stand against sale of crackers with pictures of Deities, for prevention of harm caused to Dharma ! Other vendors should keep these traders as ideal before them. – Editor, Hindujagruti)

Cracker Traders’ Union boycott Chinese goods 

People’s opinion against China is very strong this year and at many places, they are boycotting Chinese products. Cracker traders’ union from Sinhgad Road has also declared that Chinese crackers would not be sold during this Diwali. (Congratulations to cracker traders’ union for taking patriotic stand ! All traders should follow their example. – Editor, Hindujagruti)

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