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HJS demands ban on crackers which cause harm to the nation

Impose ban on crackers which have no base of ‘Dharmashaastra’ but they cause harm to the nation ! – Demand with Govt. by HJS

Why such demand has to be made ? Why doesn’t the Govt. take action on its own ?  

From left – Sou. Vaishali Rajhans, Adv. Samir Patwardhan (speaking) and Shri. Santosh Desai

Miraj : Bursting of crackers as mark of celebration is custom followed in other countries but there is no base under Hindu ‘Dharmashaastra’ for bursting crackers. In fact, crackers cause air and sound pollution; putting people’s health and environment in danger. Crackers worth millions of rupees are burst during Diwali festival in India and crackers are burst even more throughout the year. It is therefore, against the interests of this country to splurge so much money every year. If this money is used for welfare activities in this country, many problems would be solved with it; therefore, the Government should impose ban on polluting crackers, was the demand made by Hindu Janajagruti Samiti (HJS) and an appeal was made to people to stop such bad practice of bursting crackers and help this country during a press conference held on 13th October at ‘Rangasharada’ Hall in fort area. The press conference was attended by advocate Samir Patwardhan, the President of ‘Sangli District Advocates’ Parishad’, Shri. Santosh Desai of HJS and Sou. Vaishali Rajhans of Sanatan Sanstha.

Govt. should impose ban on Chinese crackers ! – Advocate Samir Patwardhan

Along with other Chinese products, Chinese crackers are also sold on large scale in this country since few years. These crackers have more poisonous chemicals like Potassium Chloride and Potassium P.chloride. Use of these chemicals is, however, banned in this country. Chinese crackers, though cheap, are extremely polluting. Under ‘Explosives Act 2008’, carrying and sale of explosives, which are not made in India, is punishable offence. Even then, Chinese crackers are brought illegally to this country and sold. Ban should be therefore, imposed immediately on Chinese crackers and stringent action should be taken against persons selling such crackers. The above demand was made by advocate Samir Patwardhan during the press conference; besides, demanding ban on crackers with pictures of Deities which hurt religious sentiments of Hindus.

Reporters commend HJS drive

All reporters present on the occasion commended drive undertaken by Hindu Janajagruti Samiti (HJS) against crackers and promised to advertise all drives undertaken by HJS in this connection. The reporters also suggested few things for undertaking the drive more effectively. One reporter said that HJS contribution in prevention of use of plastic national flags, is most laudable.

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