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Ranaragini wing of Hindu Janajagruti Samiti appeals to boycott the film ‘Padmavati’ !

Jalgaon : Before the vehicle rally which was organised prior to Hindu Dharmajagruti Sabha to be held on 19th November, ladies were made aware of the distortion of the history made in the film ‘Padmavati’ and were called upon to boycott the film as a mark of respect to Queen Padmavati.

No Hindu will watch the film ‘Padmavati’ distorting history ! – Mrs. Kshipra Juvekar, Ranaragini wing

Through this film ‘Padmavati’ a wrong message is reaching the society with regard to the history, country and samskruti. Cultured and brave ladies had never shown shadow of their face to anyone ever. Is this history to show the Rajput queen dancing in public ? We protest against this film. We are independent and can abide by our Dharma only because of the sacrifice of our kings and queens. The film industry distorting history for money should remember this. We have to unite to protect our glorious history and we have to show that we have not forgotten our history. No Hindu will watch this film ‘Padmavati’ with distortion of history. We have given this message to theatres and it should reach all over.

Will not tolerate the insult of the radiant queen sacrificing her life for saving her modesty ! – Ms. Rageshri Deshpande, Ranaragini wing

Queen Padmavati sacrificed her life to save her modesty and created a glorious history. We will not tolerate insult to such a radiant queen. The history shown in the film is false and we condemn it. Ranaragini wing is going to boycott the film.

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