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‘Janasamvaad sabha’ by HJS held at Hubli (Karnataka)

Making false accusations against ‘Hindutvavadi’ organizations in killings of communists, is condemnable ! – Gangadhar Kulkarni, Sriram Sena

From left – Adv. Chetan Manerikar, Shri. Gangadhar Kulkarni and Shri. Guruprasad Gowda

Hubli (Karnataka) : The goal of ‘Hindutvavadi’ organizations is to strengthen the religious foundation of Hindus. ‘Hindutvavadis’ are implicated in false cases. Investigations should be conducted impartially into killings of communists; however, accusing and implicating ‘Hindutvavadi’ organizations in false cases is condemnable, stated Shri. Gangadhar Kulkarni of Sriram Sena. On 4th November, ‘Jansamvaad Sabha’ was held at Shri Shiva-Krushna Temple’s hall on behalf of Hindu Janajagruti Samiti (HJS) which was addressed by him. Adv. Chetan Manerikar and Shri. Guruprasad Gowda of HJS shared the dais with him.

Investigations should be conducted in right direction into murders of ‘Hindutvavadis’ ! – Adv. Chetan Manerikar 

Adv. Chetan Manerikar said, “Leaders of pro-Hindu organizations like RSS, Bajarang Dal etc are murdered with the intention of destroying ‘Hindutva’. During the regime of Siddharamayya Government of Karnataka, ‘Hindutvavadis’ viz. Rudresh, Prashant Pujari and Sharad Madiwal were murdered but nobody raised voice against it. Organization like ‘Popular Front of India’ is suspected to be involved in murders of ‘Hindutvavadis’; but investigations are not conducted in proper direction.”

Hindus should unite to fight against conspiracy of implicating ‘Hindutvavadis’ in killings of communists ! – Shri. Guruprasad Gowda

Shri. Guruprasad Gowda, the spokesperson of HJS said, “Hindutvavadi organizations are falsely implicated in killings of secular and communist thinkers. Attempts are made in misleading investigations in another direction; but Hindus need to unite for foiling such ploy.”

The ‘sabha’ was started with blowing of conch; followed with lighting of lamp by guests. Shri. Vyankatraman Naik, District Coordinator of HJS for Dharwad introduced the topic. The program was attended by 180 people; including 15 Adv.s and 3 pro-Hindu organizations. 6 reporters and representatives of 2 channels were present on the occasion.

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