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HJS pays ‘good will’ visit to ‘Pravachankar’ Dr. Shevade on his birthday

Kartik Shukla Panchami, Kaliyug Varsha 5112

HJS members paid a ‘good will’ visit to Dr. Shevade

HJS members paid a ‘good will’ visit to Dr. Shevade

Dombivali (Maharashtra): National ‘Pravachankar’ Dr. Satchidanand Shevade completed 49 years recently and on this occasion, Hindu Janajagruti Samiti’s activists paid a ‘good will’ visit to him. He was presented a greetings card, a picture of Sri Krushna printed by Sanatan Sanstha, a garland and a book in Marathi titled ‘ Marathi bhashe che Maarekari (Murderers of Marathi language)’. Dr. Shevade was very happy to see the greetings card paying tribute to him acknowledging his qualities as a fierce Hindu patriot, renowned and knowledgeable orator.

Source : DSP

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