2G Raja spectrum scam: Who are corruption partners? — BJP

Kartik Shuddha Ashtami, Kaliyug Varsha 5112

Press statement issued by BJP National Spokesperson and MP, Shri Prakash Javadekar

The affidavit of the Govt. in the Supreme Court on the 2G Spectrum allotment is testimony of the abject and complete surrender of the Congress before its partner DMK for mere survival in the office. The shameful justification of corruption in 2G Spectrum allotment is the proof of a complete paralysis that has set in the Govt.
The Govt is defending the indefensible. NDA Govt. in 2003 decided in the cabinet that the spectrum in future will be allotted by auction only. Mr. Balu and other DMK ministers were part of the decision. Thus, the Govt. is fooling that they are pursuing the NDA policies. It is absurd that the resources like spectrum, which has become scarce, could be sold in 2008 at the price of 2001. The teledensity, which was merely 7% in 2001 is now more than 60%. So the argument of teledensity is also not valid.
BJP seeks answers from the Prime Minister on following questions;

1. Has PMO given its assent to 2G Spectrum allotment without auction, as is being suggested by DoT or Mr. A. Raja ?

2. Was the decision to allot 2G Spectrum without auction taken by DoT or by the Cabinet ? 

3. Is it not a fact that the PM was fully informed about the TRAI position on the issue and the fact that TRAI has never recommended 2G Spectrum allotment without auction ?

4. If 2G allotment without auction was right mode of allotment, then why 3G Spectrum was allotted through auction ? 

Every time when confronted, Mr. A. Raja stressed that he has sought guidance and permission from the Prime Minister at every stage. This casts heavy responsibility on the PM to clarify whether he has personally approved the procedure, which Mr. A. Raja was adopting. PM’s silence on this is therefore more eloquent. The paralysis on the part of the Prime Minister to take action against Mr A. Raja on the worst scam India has ever witnessed proves that he was also partner in the decision.
BJP demands immediate sacking of Mr. A. Raja and an explanation from the Prime Minister.

Source: BJP Website

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