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Baramati : Representation to police and administration for various demands

Baramati : Deputy Inspector Shri. Sunil Gaikwad and Nayab Tahasildar, Shri. Anil Thombare were given representation stating various demands.

Demands through representation

  1. Incidents like burning of the national flag, giving slogans against Bharat, assisting terrorists have become very common in Jammu – Kashmir due to conducive environment for terrorists being cultivated through anti-national elements. In such a situation the case against anti-nationals pelting stones on Bharatiya soldiers should not be reverted, so also stringent action should be taken on those involved in the act.
  2. Not to permit the screening of the film, ‘Padmavati’ unless the scenes likely to create law and order situations are deleted from the film.
  3. Lighting fire crackers is never a tradition in ideal Bharatiya Samskruti. With a view to stop the social loss due to air pollution and accidents caused due to burning crackers, fire crackers should be banned totally during all festivals like, Eid, Christmas, 31st December, Buddhajayanti, Ganeshotsav, Navratrotsav.
  4. Most effective and permanent solution should be found for the menace and a great problem of love jihad.
  5. Stop the malpractices under the name of Western New Year on 31st December at beautiful public places, forts etc.

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