Upendra Bharti | HENB : To arrest Saffron surge in West Bengal TMC goes to Soft Hindutva. On Monday, the party organizes a district ‘Brahmin Sammelan’ at Bolepur Stadium in Birbhum district. In the event the party distributed Bhagavad Gita and Saffron Uttariya (upper cloth) to all the Hindu priest (Brahmin) participants. But, the rays dissatisfaction were also noticed as the party failed to assure regular incentive to the Hindu priests and two cows per priest, as the message was extended to concerned priests before the event!
In the recent elections in Gujarat, it was seen, Congress president Rahul Gandhi was flaunting his ‘janeu’ and became a ‘janeu dhari’ Hindu. After being questioned on his temple visits, many saw it as a move to correct the pro-minority image of Congress party. Few weeks later, the same situation in West Bengal is seen where chief minister Mamata Banerjee has decided to drift from her pro-minority approach to gift Hindu holy book Bhagavad Gita to Brahmins in the state. Critics say that Trinamool Congress organised the Brahmin convention in Birbhum district in order to mitigate BJP’s allegation for Minority appeasement by TMC.
The TMC maverick and District President of Birbhum, Sri. Anubrata Mondal alias Kesto organisged the Brahmin Sammelan directly under party banner where 38 adhyapak (teacher) from 25 tole (Sanskrit learning school) and 15,000 Hindu priests from Birbhum were gathered. Swami Hansananda of Tarapeeth and Santi Maharaj of Bharat Sevashram Sangha also graced the function after responding Anubrata Mondal’s cordial invitation.
Though most of the participants conveyed the poor condition of the Sanskrit learning school in Birbhum and the pitiable condition of a section of the Hindu priests, the organizing TMC leaders could not be able to address the problems in any right way.
There was a reaction of the priest participants as they had not been facilitated likewise the monthly grants favored to Imams and Muazzins in the state. Moreover, the organizers of the event could not give any assurance to the delegates for giving two cows to each Brahman as it was whispered before the programme. That created a gross dissatisfaction among the participant priests. It was told earlier, the enlisted priests would be donated with two cows for their economic betterment with using the milk produce in their ritualistic activities and dietary consumption.
From a source it is intercepted that TMC will hold a district level Brahmin Sammelan (Hindu Preist convention) in all districts to exploit these Hindu religious strength in the upcoming Panchayet Election this year scheduled on May-June. TMC thinks that in this way the party will be able to woo the majority votes by erasing its pro-Muslim image in someway.
Source : Hindu Existence