Everyone should be ready to sacrifice for the nation and Dharma : Sou. Prachi Juvekar
Varanasi (Uttar Pradesh) : Everyone should be ready to sacrifice for the nation and Dharma. Hindu Rashtra will rise through that sacrifice, said Sou. Prachi Juvekar of HJS. Hindu Dharmajagruti Sabha was held at Hanuman Temple in Lohta area on 28th January on behalf of HJS. She was guiding the audience on the topic, ‘Need for Hindu Rashtra’. Shri. Sanjay Kumar Singh of Sanatan Sanstha guided on the topic, ‘Need to abide by Dharma’.
- Devout Hindu, Shri. Deepak Gupta, local resident helped in organising this sabha. He has also assured to help organising various programs in future.
- Adv. Arun Maurya being inspired through the State level Hindu Convention held in Varanasi, organised the above mentioned Dharmajagruti sabha.