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Guidance on the topic of ‘Abiding by Dharma’ in Kerala on behalf of HJS

Vypin (Kerala) : Kum. Aditi Sukhtankar guided 25 devotees on behalf of HJS about abiding by Dharma, in a temple in Nyarakkal in Ernakulum District. While guiding the audience Ms. Aditi gave information about the degrading condition of the society and Hindu Dharma and stated that the remedy over this situation is abiding by Dharma. She also to

ld them why it was important to abide by Dharma. She explained the science behind applying tilak on the forehead of men and women, how to take ‘darshan’ of the Deity after going in a temple. She also told them about the science of chanting Kuladevata’s Name.


  • Discussion of the topic was possible due to questions asked by curious people present in the audience.
  • Exhibition of Sanatan’s products and Holy texts, got good response there.
  • All present there expressed a desire to arrange a lecture every month.

Dharmaprasar through the medium of lecture on behalf of HJS in Kerala !

A lecture was arranged in the temple of Mattalil Bhagavati at Kadavantra in Ernakulam District on 5.1.2018. In that lecture, topics like importance of prayers, how to pay obeisance (Namaskar) to God, etc. were discussed.

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