Clashes broke out in the Nawada district of Bihar on Friday morning, following desecration of Lord Hanuman’s idol in the district’s Gondapur village. As per local reports, the discovery of this desecration resulted in irate locals blocking the Patna-Ranchi highway. This seems to have also escalated into a clash between two communities.
The said violence included torching of shops and vandalising vehicles and also resulted in the equipment of media persons getting damaged. In order to control the mobs the police had to resort to firing shots in the air.
Sensing the deteriorating situation, district official and the SP reached the spot and took charge. All the nearby police stations were put on alert and security was increased near religious shrines. The rapid action force too was called into action.
The administration has since then suspended internet services in the region and deployed a strong police force. District Magistrate Kaushal Kumar has claimed that the situation is now in control. He has also been quoted as saying that the administration is on alert and minutely monitoring the situation. He also claimed that they were monitoring social media with regards to possible rumour mongering by miscreants.
Such a news of communal violence in Bihar comes days after parts of the state were engulfed in communal strife following attacks on Ram Navami processions.
We had reported that the state’s Aurangabad and Kaimur districts have seen intense violence. In Aurangabad, stones were pelted on on a bike rally at Nawadih area, which caused tensions in the area.
In Kaimur district’s Malikasray village, a bike rally was taken out on Saturday during which property belonging to “another group” was accidentally damaged. Hence when Ram Navami’s Shoba yatra started in the village on Sunday, the “other group” stopped it by alleging that they had taken a wrong route. This resulted in the clashes.
Now latest reports have claimed that such communal violence has also been witnessed in Samastipur, Nalanda and Munger regions of the state.
Source : OpIndia