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Hindu Dharmajagruti Sabha held at Mohadi (Dist. Dhule)

Devout Hindus from Mohadi determined to be active in the mission of establishment of Hindu Rashtra !

From left : Kum. Rageshri Deshpande, Shrimati Vaishali Katkade and Shri. Sumit Sagvekar

Dhule : Hindu Dharmajagruti Sabha was held on 24th march in Mohadi suburb. More than 800 Hindus were present there.

Speakers were welcomed with dhol-tasha. Shri. Sumit Sagvekar lighted the lamp and offered a garland to Chhatrapati Shivaji Maharaj’s picture. Compering was done by Shri. Chetan Jagtap, Shri. Rakesh More and Shri. Rajendra Khairnar. Shri. Sachin Vaidya introduce the mission of HJS. The whole atmosphere at the sabha was saffron colored due to saffron flags and paper decoration of the same colour.

Active participation of Dharmabhimani youth

After the Hindu Dharmajagruti Sabha in Dhule, Dharmashikshan class commenced at Mohadi, a suburb. Some devout Hindus in this area had asked for Hindu Dharmajagruti Sabha. On the occasion of the sabha, devout Hindus here made all the arrangements right from making prasar of the sabha to getting sponsors for the material required for the sabha. They all did the spiritual remedies too.

Outcome of the sabha

Some devout Hindus from Phagne here asked to start a Dharmashikshan class and hold a Dharmajagruti Sabha. 10 young people expressed their desire to get trained in self-defence, Dharmashikshan class, compering, to organise a sabha; they also expressed their desire to actively participate in Samiti’s mission.

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