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Maharashtra HJS coordinator Shri. Sunil Ghanvat’s Pune tour for uniting Hindus

Pune : Realising the need of the hour HJS has organised ‘Hindusanghatan’ (Hindu unity) tours all over Bharat. As a part of this, HJS coordinator, Maharashtra, Shri. Sunil Ghanvat had recently gone on a tour of Pune. His overall plan was to meet Pro-Hindus, hold meetings with devout Hindus and according to their response, planning strategy for the future activities for uniting Hindus. Pro-Hindus, devout Hindus from every place gave very good response during his tour in Pune. He got even Saints’ blessings and their resolve for this mission.

Feedback from Pro-Hindus

Will give land for medicinal plantation ! – Mahendra Devi, Treasurer, Maharshtra Prant, VHP

He asked to hold a stall for giving information, for exhibiting our charts, Holy texts. He has also asked is to give guidance concerning Rashtra-Dharma in the Parishad. He has assured to give land for Maharshi Adhyatma Vishwavidyalay, for medicinal plantation.

Taking an oath of Hindu Rashtra in Raireshwar Temple ! – Dhananjay (Aba) Pawar, Shri Shivpratishthan, Hindusthan, Bhor

Shri. Pawar said, “Will propagate Sanatan Prabhat to Dharkaris (activists) of Shri Shivpratishthan Hindusthan. We will take an oath of Hindu Rashtra in Raireshwar Temple by organising ‘campaign of cleaning the temple’ for uniting the youth. We will have workshops for devout Hindus in Bhor. We can also start Rashtriya Hindu Andolan in Bhor.” (They have asked the Samiti to start a Dharmashikshan class in Bhor.)

Response from other Pro-Hindus when contacted

Shri. Anand Dave, Pune Jilhadhyaksha, Akhil Bharatiya Brahman Mahasangh : While giving the invitation of the All India Hindu Convention, there was discussion about giving direction to youth to become active for establishment of Hindu Rashtra. As a result of the discussion, a workshop is going to be held there for Youth to commence sadhana due to yearning for rendering service unto Dharma (Dharmakarya).

Resolve of all devout Hinduss to take responsibility of Dharmakarya in the meeting !

Devout Hindus present for the meeting at Degao

In Degao and Vadgaon Sheri, Shri. Sunil Ghanvat gave a talk on, ‘Sadhana required for establishment of Hindu Rashtra and to achieve the grace of God’.

Shouting Har Har Mahadev, devout Hindus in Degao resolved to abide by Dharma (Dharmacharan) and to give time for Dharmakarya. Adv. Sambhaji Yadav has assured to help in legal matters and to be active in Hindu Vidhidnya Parishad’s mission.

Devout Hindus in Vadgaon Sheri promised to give as much time for Dharmakarya as required. All the devout Hindus are going to meet all the Mandals in the area and are going to put up Dharmashikshan Phalaks at least in 25 temples. They on their own will shoulder the responsibility of giving publicity through charts and National Hindu Movement. Each one of them has resolved to give at least 1 hour every day for Dharmakarya.

Myself and more than 200 devout Hindus are committed towards establishment of Hindu Rashtra ! – Pro-Hindus Industrialist Shri. Rohidas Konde, Shivudyog Samuha, Kasurdi

From left : Shri. Deepak Agavane, Shri. Shashank Sonavane, Shri. Rohidas Konde, Shri. Sunil Ghanvat, Shri. Vinayak Bagavde, Shri. Mahesh Pathak

Shri. Rohidas Konde’s bhav was awakened when he was told about the mission of establishment of Hindu Rashtra. He said, “Myself and more than 200 of his acquaintances – devout Hindus were ready to participate in HJS activities and we are committed towards establishment of Hindu Rashtra”. He also expressed desire to attend upcoming All India Hindu Convention. He has assured to undertake the responsibility for organising a meeting of main volunteers in the next month, to make subscribers of Sanatan Prabhat and its proper distribution, to put up Dharmashikshan flex in temples and cremation ground.

Other responses

  • A collective meeting of devout Hinduss in Bhor Taluka for organising Dharmajagruti Sbha and worshops.
  • Dharmajagruti Sabha to be held in Vadgaon Sheri in the last week of April.
  • Shri. Sunil Ghanvat met devout Hindus in Shriramnagar too.

Do not worry as you are blessed by Paratpar Guru (Dr.) Athavale ! – H. H. Govinddevgiri Maharaj

H. H. Govinddevgiri Maharaj while watching video clip about Maharshi Adhyatma Vishwavidyalay

Shri. Sunil Ghanvat met H. H. Govinddevgiri Maharaj (formerly known as Acharya Kishorji Vyas ) to invite Him for the All India Hindu Convention and to take His blessings. He was shown the video clip about Maharshi Adhyatma Vishwavidyalay. He was delighted after watching it. When prayed for His blessings, He said, “Be assured, as you and mission of HJS have the blessings of Paratpar Guru (Dr.) Athavle. This is a Divine mission. This is bound to be accomplished with God’s grace.” At that time Samrthbhakta H. H. Sunil Chicholkar came there. He also acclaimed the Samiti’s mission and said, ‘Saints’ have blessed  HJS mission.’ He told to hold exhibition of Sanatan’s Holy texts and products at Nashik, Amaravati during the Bhagvat Katha program.

Resolve of Pro-Hindus in Chhattisgarh to give active participation in establishment of Hindu Rashtra !

Shri. Ghanvat met Pro-Hindus in Chhattisgarh. They all resolved to be committed for getting the bill concerning Conversion passed, and to act in opposition of religious conversion of Hindus

Devout Hindus along with H.H. Ingale kaka

Shri. Govindraj Naidu, convener of Hindu Yuva Manch

While presenting Sanatan’s Holy text to Shri. Govindraj Naidu

Shri. Naidu said, ‘Will organise Hindu Dharmajagruti Sabha jointly with HJS; Hindu Yuva Manch is already working against conversion. Along with Shri. Naidu his wife, a staunch Pro-Hindus Sou. Rachana Naidu too was present at the meeting.

Shri. Dilip Panigrahi – Zone coordinator , Gayatri Parivar, Chhattisgarh

Shri. Sunil Ghanvat giving Sanatan’s Holy text to Shri. Dilip Panigrahi and his associates.

After having known the mission of the Samiti, Shri. Dilip assured to assist in enhancing the mission of the Samiti in Chhattisgarh.

Sriram Balakdasji Maharaj, protector, Chhattisgarh Gauseva Ayog

Shri. Sunil Ghanvat presenting Sanatan Panchang to Sriram Balakdasji Maharaj

He assured to contribute in passing the bill opposing conversion of Hindus. He also appreciated HJS activities for nation and Dharma.

Shri. Subodh Rathi – Prant Goseva Chief, Coordinator, Dharmasena Chhattisgarh Pradesh

While giving Holy text Shri. Subodh Rathi and his associates

He is going to assist in organising various movements undertaken by the Samiti. He will also organise sabhas which are the need of the hour.

Shri. Daya Singh, Coordinator, Bolbam Seva Samiti

Shri. Sunil Ghanvat presenting Sanatan Panchang to Shri. Daya Singh and his associates

Assurance was given to assist HJS activities in Chhattisgarh.


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