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Gurudev H. H. Dr. Kateswamiji leaves his gross body

Margashirsha Shukla Dashami, Kaliyug Varsha 5112

Mahayogi Gurudev H. H. Dr. Kateswamiji

Mahayogi Gurudev H. H. Dr. Kateswamiji

Shrirampur (District Nagar, Maharashtra): Mahayogi in ‘Kali-Yuga’, Gurudev H. H. Dr. Kateswamiji left His gross body today at 1.55 p.m. in His ‘Sree Gurudev ashram’ at Wadala Mahadev (Taluka Shrirampur, District Nagar). At the time of His passing away, his successor H. H. Bhaskar kaka was present. Gurudev’s mortal remains were cremated at 6.00 p.m. in the ashram in the presence of His hundreds of devotees and disciples. Pujya Ramanandanath Swami, the disciple of Gurudev informed the devotees that ‘The usual routine programs will continue without any change.’

Sanatan came into contact with Mahayogi Gurudev H. H. Dr. Kateswamiji in November 2004.  Since then, Gurudev H. H. Dr. Kateswamiji used advise for removal of health problems of  H. H. Dr. Athavale and advise remedies.

His introduction in brief

One of the latest photo of Gurudev H. H. Dr. Kateswamiji

One of the latest photo of Gurudev H. H. Dr. Kateswamiji

Mahayogi Gurudev H. H. Dr. Kate wamiji was a Doctorate in Economics from Pune University. His other degrees were ‘ M.A. (English and Economics), LL.B., B.T., PhD (Economics)’. He spent many years in Himalayas doing penance and ‘Yoga’. Writing about cultural matter was an inseparable part of His life. He traveled all over India for ‘Dharmajagruti (creating awareness among people towards matters related to Dharma) and their welfare.

Mahayogi Gurudev ceaselessly worked for spreading teachings  of ‘Sanatan’ Dharma and culture all over the world. He used to study and write for 12 hours every day about matters related to Dharma and culture.

Source: Daily Sanatan Prabhat

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