Pandharpur : All 5 held guilty along with Swami Aseemanand in the bomb blast in Mecca masjid in Bhagyanagar, Hyderabad were released as non-guilty by the court; so also nothing has been proved with respect to Sadhvi Pragnya and Colonel Purohit and other accused held guilty in Malegon bomb blast. These patriots were held guilty in the serious crime of bomb blast only due to political hatred. With a view to defame Hindutva and to appease minorities, the then Government and Central Home Minister, Sushilkumar Shinde and P. Chidambaram, put the patriots in jail under the name of saffron terrorism. Action should be taken on these leaders misusing the power given by the people in the democracy, for selfish gain, and they should be banned for life from contesting elections hence forth; they should be punished for treating patriots brutally. These were the demands made in the representation prepared in the name of the President but handed over to Shri. Sachin Dhole, the Prant officer on behalf of Hindutvanishtha orgnisations.
It was stated in the representation
- It was just a conspiracy for their personal gain by the responsible persons enjoying the highest position in the country. Therefore common people have lost faith in the investigating system and the Government.
- The image of Hindu Dharma which is always known for its supreme culture and for maintaining peace and brotherhood, is being tarnished.
- The above matter is contradictory to the natural law which states that, ‘Thousands of guilty may be released but not a single innocent should be punished.’