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Bhopal : Sadguru (Dr.) Pingle guides in the ‘Media Festival 2018’

It is essential to develop the emotion among all Hindus that all are the followers of the same Sanatan Dharma ! – Sadguru (Dr.) Charudatta Pingle, National Guide, HJS

Bhopal : On one hand the nation is divide by giving reservations on the basis of caste, whereas, the propaganda saying, ‘Racialism is a crime, hence should be destroyed’ is made on the other hand. This creates confusion in the society and the nation suffers greatly. Therefore, forgetting caste-creed it is essential to develop the emotion among all Hindus that all are the followers of the same Sanatan Dharma, proposed Sadguru (Dr.) Charudatta Pingle, National Guide, HJS. He was speaking in the 2 – day ‘Media Festival 2018’ session held in Vidnyan Bhavan here. Many dignitaries were present on this occasion.

While speaking on the topic, ‘Conflict between caste and religion and challenges of national security’, He said further, “We worship the warrior Prabhu Sriram and not Dhashgranthi Brahmin Ravan. Gopalak Bhagavan Shrikrushna and not Brahmin Sudama. Sages Valmiki, Parashar, Vyas were not Brahmins by birth, but they progressed by their karmas and acquired the position of reverence and they are our ideals. British used the policy, ‘Break and rule’. Today journalists need to impart education on Dharma to people to make them abide by Dharma.”

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