Dhule : On 10th May, ‘Hindu Rashtrajagruti sabha’ was held at Ranmala village in Dhule district. Shri. Sachin Vaidya of Sanatan Sanstha and Kum. Rageshree Deshpande, Coordinator of Hindu Janajagruti Samiti (HJS) for Dhule and Nandurbar were the main speakers for the sabha that was attended by more than 125 devout Hindus. Shri. Balu Gawade, local Hindutvavadi and Gou-seva district sevak of RSS organized the sabha. He got printed name-strips of Jai Shriram and arranged to stick them on houses and vehicles. His contribution in making arrangements for the sabha was valuable. It was decided after the sabha, to conduct Dharmashikshan and self-defence classes in the village. Shri. Rajendra Khairnar, a devout Hindu from Mohadi did compering of the sabha and Shri. Nilesh Mind took care of all other arrangements. Book-exhibition cell was also set up at the venue of the sabha and it was visited by jidnyasus.
It is Constitutional right of Hindus to demand ‘Hindu Rashtra’ and spread this demand ! – Sachin Vaidya, Sanatan Sanstha
There are 157 Christian countries, more than 52 Islamic countries and even Jews, with population of around 85 lakhs, have a separate country; then why shouldn’t Hindus, who are more than 100 crores, have a Hindu Rashtra for them ? Demand for Hindu Rashtra is perfectly constitutional. Establishment of Rama-rajya as was done by Prabhu Shriram that took care of even subtle and subtlest souls and ideal righteous Hindu Rashtra as established by Chhatrapati Shivaji Maharaj in the form of Hindavi Swarajya is the need of the hour.
Why do Indian leaders lack rage required to eliminate terrorism of ISIS, as found in Philippines? – Kum. Rageshree Deshpande, HJS
Currently, Islamic State’s terrorist activities are going on everywhere in the world. Prime Minister of a small country like Philippines says, “I will eat up ISIS terrorist.” Why is such patriotism and rage not found in even a single Indian leader? ISIS supporters are found in various places all over India. The only solution to these problems is establishment of Hindu Rashtra.