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Bhagavatkar Rhushikumar Shastri blessed HJS

Margashirsha Krushna Dwitiya,Kaliyug Varsha 5112

Muslims and Christians will leave this country if Hindus from all Sects unite – Bhagavatkar Rhushikumar Shastri

Nandurbar (Maharashtra): The problem of ‘love jihad’ faced by Hindu women is very serious. Hindus are not even aware of various attacks taking place against their Dharma; because they are divided in different Sects. If all these Sects unite, Muslims and Christians will leave this country. The above views were expressed by ‘Bhagavatkar’ Rhushikumar Shastri from Ranapur, Madhya Pradesh when he was talking to Mr. Yogeshwar Joshi of Hindu Janajagruti Samiti (HJS) at Nandurbar.

Shastriji was on a visit in connection with ‘Shrimat Bhagavat Katha’ sessions. HJS members called on him to seek his blessings. When HJS members told him about HJS activities, Shastriji gave them an opportunity to speak in his next program. Mrs. Nivedita Joshi of HJS spoke briefly about attacks on Hindu Dharma, ‘love jihad’ and the solutions.

Source: Daily Sanatan Prabhat

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