Janakalyan a unit of Kanchi mutt has organised a summer camp for children in the age group of 10-15 at Sankaralayam, Chetput, Chennai from 7th May to 12th may. HJS took balsanskar classes for them on all 6 days from 11.30 am to 1 pm.
During these 6 days various spiritual topics relating to children were taken. Many achar dharma activities was explained, how to celebrate birthday as per our culture, what is the significance of keeping kumkum, vibuti etc on the forehead, what is the difference between handshake and doing namaskar etc was explained, simple slokas was taught, significance of our Dieties was explained etc. Suitable stories related to the subject were also narrated. All the sessions were made more interactive by asking questions to the children. They participated enthusiastically and answered them.
All the topics were prepared from Sanatan’s tamil granths. Sou. Suganthi Jaikumar, Sou.Kalpana Balaji, Sou. Sudha and H. H. (Sou.) Uma Ravichandran took the classes for the children. Around 25 children benefitted from the camp. Sanatan tamil booklets were distributed to the children on the last day. A letter of appreciation was handed over to HJS representative on behalf of Janakalyan.