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‘Personality development and Sadhana Shibir’ for youth held at Bhaindar (Thane)

Bhaindar (Dist. Thane) : ‘Personality development and Sadhana Shibir’ was held by HJS in Bhaindar Secondary School on 22nd April for youth loving the nation and Dharma to be cultured (Samskarksham) by taking education on Dharma, to be counteracting by exercising regularly and getting trained in self-defence, so also to enhance their own spiritual strength by doing sadhana. Large number of youth was present for this shibir. In this shibir guidance was given in topics like, importance of sadhana in life, first-aid training, need to get trained in self-defence. Some physical exercises and karate demonstrations were presented.

While explaining about first-aid, various things were taught, example, how to lift a patient, how to give the patient mental support till he is taken to a doctor etc. Sou. Nayana Bhagat gave very valuable guidance on how to protect oneself from the increasing menace of ‘love jihad’ and what precautions are necessary to save oneself.

Shri. Sagar Chopdar and Shri. Abhijit Bhojne giving guidance

Dharmapremi helped in arranging the auditorium of Bhaindar Secondary School and grounds free of cost. All helped in making the shibir a great success and have expressed their desire to hold such shibirs regularly and said that they would render all the necessary assistance for that.

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