Hindu Convention of various pro-Hindu organizations having common goal of establishment of Hindu Rashtra, is held every year at Goa. This is the 7th year of such Convention, scheduled between 2nd and 12th June 2018 and response from representatives of pro-Hindu organizations is increasing every year. More than 650 representatives of more than 150 Hindu organizations from 19 Indian States so also from Nepal, Bangladesh and Sri Lanka will attend the Convention. ‘Hindutvavadis’ from this country are coming together as a result of Conventions held so far. It is a novel attempt of Hindu Janajagruti Samiti (HJS) to unite Hindus divided in different castes, creeds, sects and ideologies and to motivate them with one goal.
This Hindu Convention will be telecased LIVE through Facebook Live and Twitter Live. You can also become a part of this historical event !
June 2 and 3 : Advocates’ convention
June 4 to June 7 : 7th All India Hindu Convention
June 8 : Sadhana workshop for Hindutvavadis
For Facebook Live of the event, visit : https://www.Facebook.com/HinduAdhiveshan
For Twitter Live of the event, visit : https://www.twitter.com/hindujagrutiorg