On 8th July 2018, at Pattalam, Chennai, Shri. Radhakrishnan of Shivsena organized a special satsang at Hanuman temple especially for Gurupournima, which was attended by HJS activists. He also invited people from other organizations like Bharath Hindu Munani, Hindu Makkal munani and other organizations.
The satsang started with prayer unto Shri Ganesha, and followed by showing a video presentation of HJS activities like Hindu Adhiveshan, Dharmasabha etc. Then Shri. Jaikumar highlighted the importance of Sadhana in our day to day life with simple examples. Sow. Kallpana Balaji told about Shri Guru’s Mahatuva in our life and Gurupournima. Then Sow. Suganthi had an interactive session and clarification of doubts on how Sadhana should be done seriously in order to participate in Hindu Rashtra activities.
Shri Balaji did the photo seva and Sow. Suda Gopalakrishnan and Kum. Nithyashree did the stall seva. Around 20 devout Hindus attended the program.
- As the satsang started few minutes late than the scheduled time, Shri. Radhakrishnan apologized immediately after the satsang and made the other dharmaabimanies realise their mistake for not planning properly.
- Shri. R. D. Prabhu along with 10 members of their Bharth Hindu Munani organisation, after the satsang introduced them to HJS activists and earnestly expressed his desire that his activists should visit Ramnati Ashram to learn many things.
- At the end, Shri. Radhakrishnan and Shri. R. D. Prabhu winded up the satsang saying it is our duty to participate in Gurupournima and expressed their feeling that we should take the Spiritual guidance from HJS .