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Obscene music and dance program specially during Diwali

Pune: Musical program of indecent dance and songs was organized by ‘Jeshua Band’ on the auspicious day of ‘Padava’ in Diwali. Many Hindu youths participated in the program. It was felt by the local Hindu organizations that the program was deliberately organized on such auspicious day to keep away Hindu youth from their Diwali rituals.

All Hindu organizations in Pune have condemned the program. The program advertised as ‘Praise and Worship’ in fact, included all film songs and young girls and boys were dancing to the tune of the songs. The lights on the ground on which the program was held, were put out and young boys and girls were dancing in a very indecent manner. The local residents in the area had to undergo a lot of inconvenience and discomfort like noise pollution etc. People felt that the program was an attack on not only our culture but also an assault on our religious inclination.

Adverse effect of police complaint

To cancel this program local staunch Hindus and councilor of Pune Municipal Corporation Shri. Milind Ekbote had given written complaint to the Police Commissioner of Pune. But more police force was given to program and it was completed in police security.

Source: ‘Dainik Sanatan Prabhat’

(Hindus should alert from the anti-Hindu Christians who misguide them.

By giving protection to the program falling down morality of society in spite of the complaint by Hindus Police have exposed their morality. � Editor)

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