Chopda : HJS had organised singing of ‘Complete Vande Mataram’ in Chhatrapati Shivaji Chowk at 8 a.m. on the event of 72nd Independence Day. In the beginning worship was offered to the picture of Bharatmata at the hands of Nagaradhyaksha of the city Chopda, Manishatai Chowdhari; she also offered a garland to the picture. Actually speaking the “Vande Mataram’ written by Bankim Chattergi comprises 5 stanzas; but currently only 2 stanzas are sung. On this occasion complete Vande Mataram was presented before audience.
Vice city president Supriya Saner, leader of the group Shri. Jeevan Chowdhari, Corporator Hitendra Deshmukh, Corporator Prakash Patil, BJP’s City Chief Narendra Patil, volunteers of HJS and many citizens were present on this occasion.