Mumbai : Delegation of ‘Hindutvavadis’ submitted memorandum to different elected representatives against unjust demand for imposition of ban on Sanatan Sanstha. The memorandum gives information about how progressive factions and media has taken the role of a judge and are demanding ban of Sanatan Sanstha; though none of the investigating agencies has even talked about Sanatan; how ‘Hindutvavadis’ are unnecessarily persecuted and few political parties are taking advantage of the whole situation etc.
Sanatan’s ‘Dharmaprasarak’ and spokesperson Sou. Nayana Bhagat submitted memorandum to Energy Minister Chandrashekhar Bavankule in this context. Sanatan’s ‘Dharmaprasarak’ Shri. Abhay Vartak and spokesperson, Sou. Nayana Bhagat; along with Shri. Sunil Ghanavat, the State Coordinator of Hindu Janajagruti Samiti for Maharashtra and Chhattisgad submitted similar memorandum to Industry and Mines (State), Environment and Public Works Department’s Minister Shri. Pravin Pote-Patil.