Mumbai : Shiv Sena has extended strong support to Sanatan even earlier during Congress regime when similar attempts were made to impose ban. This time too, we are with you, assured MLA-Shri. Sada Saravankar of Shiv Sena elected from Mahim constituency. Demand is being made for imposition of ban on Sanatan Sanstha, Hindu Janajagruti Samiti (HJS) and other pro-Hindu organizations; by making false allegations against them. On 1st September, representation was submitted to Shri. Saravankar, protesting against such demand. Sou. Nayana Bhagat, Sanatan Sanstha’s spokesperson, Shri. Sunil Ghanavat, Coordinator of HJS for Maharashtra and Chhattisgad States; so also Shri. Sagar Chopdar its Mumbai Coordinator gave information, in detail, on the conspiracy hatched for imposition of ban. Shri. Shyam Chitre, a senior Shiv Sainik was also present on the occasion when the above assurance regarding support was given.