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Hindu Dharmajagruti Sabha held at Parale (Dist. Kolhapur)

‘Dharmashikshan’ and parents’ surveillance is necessary for stopping ‘Love jihad’ : Ramesh Padval, Hindu activist

Malkapur (Dist. Kolhapur) : ‘Dharmashikshan’ is necessary for prevention of cases of ‘love jihad’ and parents need to keep a watch on children, stated Shri. Ramesh Padval, a ‘Hindutvavadi’ while addressing small ‘Hindu Dharmajagruti Sabha’ organized by ‘Shri Navasandesh Tarun Mandal’ at Parale, on the occasion of Ganeshotsav, for apprising local residents of various attacks on Hindu Dharma. The ‘sabha’ was held at 7.30 p.m. on 18th September at ‘Jyotirlinga Mandir’. Dr. Mansingh Shinde of Sanatan Sanstha and Shri. Kiran Duse of Hindu Janajagruti Samiti (HJS) also addressed the participating ‘jidnyasus’. More than 100 devout Hindus attended the ‘sabha’.

The above mentioned dignitaries were felicitated during the program. Sarpanch Shri. Tanaji Jamadar, Dy. Sarpanch Shri. Jayawant Chougule, devout Hindus viz. Shri. Pandurang Patil, Shri. Dnyanadev, Shri. Vikas Patil, Shri. Prakash Patil, Shri. Charudatta Potdar, Shri. Dilip Kumbhar; Shri. Dagadu Patil, President of ‘Shahir Sanghatan’ Shri. Suresh Harugade and Shri. Prasad Kulkarni of HJS were present on the occasion. Sanatan’s ‘sattvik’ products and flex-boards on matters related to ‘Dharmashikshan’ and life-history of revolutionaries were displayed at the venue.


‘Navasandesh Tarun Mandal (Mandal)’ bought 69 books on various subjects published by Sanatan and presented them to others. HJS activists were also provided food by ‘Mandal’

Views expressed by dignitaries

1. Shri. Ramesh Padval : Hindu young women are systematically drawn in ‘love-nets’ by fanatics under pretext of helping them at schools, colleges and tuition classes. They are then blackmailed and forced to get married to fanatics. Thus starts their destruction because those fanatics are already married. Married Hindu women are also falling prey to such ploys. ‘Dharmashikshan’ is therefore, necessary to stop these things.

2. Dr. Mansingh Shinde : All accusations made against Sanatan Sanstha, which is engaged in propagation of Dharma and spiritual science, are baseless. Sanatan is constantly blamed so that its activities related to ‘Dharmaprasar’ would be stopped and for misleading investigations. None of the investigating agencies has referred to Sanatan as guilty in any case; in fact, all seekers of Sanatan have been acquitted.

3. Shri. Kiran Duse : All Hindus need to work hard for preventing attacks on Hindu Dharma and nation; so also for declaring India as a Hindu Rashtra. Creating awareness towards these issues is the best kind of spiritual practice as per the times. Hindu Rashtra will be established in the year 2023 with Saints’ blessings and their resolve; but we shall also be benefited spiritually by working for protection of Dharma, as a way of sadhana’.

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