Vishakhapattanam (Andhra Pradesh) : Demonstrations were staged under auspices of ‘Rashtriya Hindu Andolan (RHA)’ few days back. Shri. Naresh Purohit, who got associated with activities of Hindu Janajagruti Samiti (HJS)’ through its website, had also joined the demonstrations. Demand was made for taking action against supporters of naxalites and demand for imposition of ban on Sanatan Sanstha was opposed during the demonstrations. Shri. Purohit organized a lecture for people belonging to Rajasthani community on ‘Need for Hindu Rashtra’ immediately after listening to the views expressed by dignitaries during demonstrations. More than 20 ‘jidnyasus’ attended the lecture. An exhibition of books published by Sanatan Sanstha and ‘sattvik’ products was also held at the venue.
Shri. Chetan Janardan of HJS said in his guidance that attempts were made to destroy ‘Hindutva’ under the name of secularism in this country. The present secularism is anti-Hindu. In the States like Telangana and Andhra Pradesh, activists working for protection of ‘Hindutva’ are facing lot of problems.
1. Many people got their doubts clarified after the lecture.
2. It was decided to hold satsang on every ‘Pournima (full-moon day)’ of the month for women from Rajasthani community.