Shri. Maravanpulavu Satchidanandan is a ‘Hindutvavadi’ leader from Sri Lanka and is the founder of ‘Shivsenai’ organization which works for protection of Hindu community and temples. He has attained 64% spiritual level through spiritual practice. In September 2018, he participated in ‘Vishwa Hindu Sammelan (Conference)’ held in Chikago and exposed pathetic condition of Hindus in Sri Lanka. Shri. Satchidanandan has been fighting with whatever little strength he has, for preserving customs and traditions followed under Hindu Dharma and for Hindus who have become minority in Sri Lanka. Given below is information, in his own words, on his fight against large-scale cow-slaughtering by fanatics in Sri Lanka.
1. Getting information about cow-slaughtering from priest of temple
One day, I had gone to a temple in the morning for ‘darshan’. The temple priest, while giving me ‘prasad’, expressed his wish to talk to me. He told me, “Large-scale cow-slaughtering is taking place in local Chavakacheri bazaar. Animals which are brought here are stolen animals and beef is smuggled in southern part of the country.” He requested me to condemn such slaughtering. I told him, “My condemning such thing will not at all be of help but one has to take action.” I asked for some more information on cow-slaughtering when he gave me name of a local Hindu young man.
2. Bringing together like-minded people against cow-slaughtering
After few days, while strolling in that village, I came across that Hindu youth. He was a very staunch idealistic person with tremendous will power. He gave me detailed information about slaughtering-house operated in bazar in that village. I told him also that just giving protest letter will not help in any way. For that, it will be better if a meeting is organized with like-minded people to decide about action to be taken against the slaughter-house. I gave him a list of like-minded people I knew. After few days, he came to my house and informed that he received good response from those people. It was then decided to hold a day’s meeting with such persons and some people whom this young man knew. It was also unanimously decided to invite some ‘Hindutvavadi’ leader from Tamil Nadu for better outcome. Shri. Ram Ravi Kumar from Tamil Nadu was accordingly invited. He too agreed to come at his own cost.
A meeting was held at Nunavil in Chavakacheri under direct action group promoting non-violence. The meeting was attended by 45 people including priest, retired officers, students and few young men. They were all from Jaffna province and were trying for closure of slaughter-house in their area. Problems faced by Hindus in their region were also discussed and some main problems were selected for taking action. Shri. Ram Ravi Kumar named our group as ‘Avina Arover’. After two weeks, delegation of our group met Superintendent of Police when Shri. Mahadevan based in USA and his wife was also present.
3. Opposition to posters displayed against slaughter-house
As per information given by police, all slaughter-houses were legal and had necessary licence; but animals brought by them were stolen and that was a crime so, it was impressed upon police to take action against such crime; even then, police ignored the same which resulted in encouragement of fanatics. There was no curb over their illegal acts. We then started a drive of displaying posters, making appeal to people for not selling their animals to butchers. My name and contact number was given on the posters. I, therefore, received some calls congratulating me; but most calls abusing me. I used to record the conversations and inform police.
4. Drive undertaken advising people against voting for candidates in ‘Sthanik Swarajya Sanstha (local municipalities)’ elections who granted permission for slaughter-houses !
One year passed in this way; however, there was no change in the situation. Farmers’ animals were stolen. Few thieves were caught and handed over to police. Media took up this issue and started publishing news about our condemning fanatics for stealing animals. In the meantime, elections of local municipalities were announced by Sri Lankan Government. These organizations had right to grant permission for or reject permission to slaughter-houses. We took advantage of the situation and made an appeal to voters that ‘Do not vote for candidates giving permission for slaughter-houses’. This drive was first undertaken through media and then we reached most of the voters through posters. We appealed to voters to vote for only Hindu candidates through some posters. Many political parties criticized us that our drive created bad impression on their voters.
5. Huge march taken out against slaughter-houses !
An incident took place wherein members of Chavakacheri city committee were inspecting various civic amenities and they heard very pathetic voices of animals brought to slaughter-house for killing. They rushed there and saw that many pregnant cows, calves etc about 30-40 of them were killed one after another. They video-shot this part and gave it to media and police. We too organized a protest march in which professors, teachers, doctors, businessmen, bank-employees, women and youth participated. The march was one km long. Lady President of Town Council took a note of the same and promised to take immediate action. Media gave good publicity to the march.
6. 12 hours hunger strike !
After few days, we staged hunger strike for 12 hours near bus-stand. It was blessed by Chiefs of Shaiva Mutt, Buddha Vihar and Chinmaya Mission. Religious leaders, senior citizens and youth spoke on the occasion. In my speech, I reminded people of 5000 years old tradition followed in Sri Lanka for protection of animals and appealed Hindus and Buddhists to preserve this tradition and said that those who didn’t agree with it, should leave this country.
7. One municipality passes resolution banning cow-slaughter
Around this time, Pradesiya municipality in Kalutharai district passed resolution banning slaughtering of animals, sale of beef and liquor shops. I went there and congratulated that municipality and Buddhist Bhikkhu who was inspiration behind such resolution. We also met members of Chavakacheri municipality. 13 out of 18 members were in favour of passing similar resolution. On return from Chicago, I enquired about the progress in this issue. On the following day, I heard about Nallur municipality’s passing resolution imposing ban on cow-slaughter and sale of beef though we had not done anything there. Similar resolution was passed even by Mathugamana municipality. We felicitated the Chairman at Nallur. Today, I have become real hero for programs telecast by media.
Felicitation of members of Nallur regional committee passing resolution for ban on cow-slaughter and sale of beef
Colombo : Nallur regional committee on east coast of Sri Lanka passed resolution imposing ban on cow-slaughter and sale of beef in their area; therefore, felicitation program of the members was held at Vallipura Alwar Mandir of Arulmiko Thirumal, ShriVishnu, ShriKrushna and Vyankateshwar. Thousands of Hindus had come for the festival held at that temple and they attended the program. Similar resolution should be passed by other local committees, was the demand made unanimously on the occasion.
1. Shri. Maravanpulavu Satchidanandan, leader of ‘Shivsenai’ was the chief guest of the program and Rev. Siva Bala Thesikar was the Chairman. Participating speakers told about threatening by Portuguese invaders 400 years ago; forcing people to consume beef and later, British rulers supporting the same. Then they handed over the business of sale of beef to imported Muslims.
2. Nine members of Nallur regional committee were felicitated by garlanding them and presenting golden shawl. Shri. R Jaikiran, Vice President of the Committee was also present. Shri. Madhusudan, a member who had presented the resolution banning cow-slaughter and sale of beef thanked on behalf of all members.
Source : Dainik Sanatan Prabhat