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HJS’ drive against Valentine’s Day

Magh Shukla Ekadashi, Kaliyug Varsha 5112

We will not celebrate ‘Valentine’s Day’ – reaction of students

Mr. Jayesh Rane of HJS explaining to students

Mr. Jayesh Rane of HJS explaining to students

New Panvel (Maharashtra): Hindu Janajagruti Samiti (HJS) gave guidance to Science and Commerce students of Changu Kama Thakur (CKT) College on ‘Why Valentine Day should not be celebrated’. The guidance was attended by 750 students who promised with great enthusiasm that they would not celebrate ‘Valentine’s Day’. Mrs. Anuradha Kolhe and Mr. Prashant More from the KTC College extended valuable support to hold this program. Boards were displayed outside Pillai College and handbills were distributed against celebration of the Valentine Day. About 300 students were guided on the topic.


1. Prof. Rajesh Gangare, CKT College – Mrs. Garud guided the students quite well on behalf of HJS. The present generation is influenced by western culture. This is a very commendable drive to bring today’s young generation on the right path. ‘Valentine Day’ is, in fact, celebrated in western countries and has nothing to do with our culture; therefore, I feel that no Indian should celebrate this Day in our country. Henceforth, I will not celebrate any ‘Day’ that is related to western culture.

2. Miss Ashwini Galave, a student CKT College – First time I learnt in detail about Valentine Day; now, I will not celebrate this Day.

3. Mr. Pankaj Singh, Pillai College – I learnt about ‘love jihad’ for the first time. Awareness needs to be created among Hindu youth. Celebrations of ‘Days like ‘Valentine Day’ have to be opposed. You are doing a very good job.

4. Mr. Samir Lohare, Pillai College – Blind following of western culture is on the rise. There is need for propagation of Hindu culture. We will participate in HJS activities. (He distributed the handbills on his own.)

Students from Ghatkopar, Bhandup and Airoli are explained about Valentine Day

Mumbai: Today’s youth celebrate Valentine Day on 14th February with great enthusiasm. Practices followed in western culture are easily adopted than following Indian culture. There are several examples of such attitude and one of them is ‘Valentine Day’. It has been published on few websites that a country like Russia has banned celebration of ‘Valentine Day’ considering its ill effects on culture and society; but in India, there is no likelihood of imposition of such ban on celebrations of this ‘Black Day’ which leads to deterioration of moral values and decency.

As a part of its drive to create awareness among youth, HJS gave guidance to students of 8th – 10th standard from ‘Dnyanamrut Class’, students from ‘Bhandup Academy’ and for students from 11th standard of Shriram Junior College from Airoli. Mrs. Rajani Parab, Mr. Amrut Gore and Mr. Jayesh Rane enlightened the students against celebrating ‘Valentine Day’. A handbill saying ‘Cultural conversion of Hindu youth means Valentine Day celebrations’ was distributed among students. About 150 students attended the guidance held by HJS.


1. Many students said that they realized after the guidance that such cultural conversion can take place.
2. Students were surprised to know that a country like Russia had put a ban on celebration of Valentine Day.
3. We will not celebrate this ‘Day’ as it is a destroyer of our culture and we will tell about it to even our friends.

Source: Daily Sanatan Prabhat

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