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Discussion held on ‘Valentine’s Day – Love is spread or AIDS ?’

Magh Shukla Chaturdashi, Kaliyug Varsha 5112

Guidance of Pujya Asaram Bapu is complementary to campaign against AIDS ! – Mr. Ramesh Shinde, HJS

Mumbai: Pujya Asaram Bapu has organized ‘Matru-Pitru Din’. He has shown the path to attain happiness to thousands of people through out his life. It will not be proper to target his one statement by ignoring his work. As a mother tries to tell something to her child but the child does not listen and finally she asks him to keep quiet scaring him of a bugbear; similarly, Pujya Bapu must have warned the young children with the effect of Valentine’s Day that it could result in getting infected with AIDS. He has given such advice to his devotees. If someone wants to learn something from it; he may; but there is no need for discussion. We discuss what Pujya Bapuji has said because we have freedom to do so but we are not ready acknowledge his freedom which is not proper. Moreover, the statement by Pujya Bapuji is complementary to the drive undertaken by the Government against AIDS. The above frank opinion was given by Mr. Ramesh Shinde, the spokesperson of Hindu Janajagruti Samiti (HJS).

On Tuesday, 14th February, Pujya Asaram Bapu guided his devotees at Jhansi. Picking only one statement from his guidance, ‘Star Majha’, Marathi news channel criticized this statement for the whole day. A discussion program was held at 9.30 on this channel on the topic – ‘Whether Valentine’s Day spreads love or AIDS’. The other participants of the program were Kanchan Adhikari, a producer of various TV programs, Arundhati Ganorkar from ‘Art of Living’ and Vandana Bahanji from ‘Brahmakumari University’. Mr. Ramesh Shinde expressed the above views in this program which was hosted by Prasanna Joshi.

Mr. Shinde said, “Hindu Dharma does not oppose love. Love should be expressed every day. But the immoral things going on under the celebration of ‘Valentine’s Day’, a Day celebrated by westerners, has been objected to by Pujya Bapu. It has been observed in a survey that not only ‘Valentine’s Day’; but even after Navaratri festival, the cases of abortion increase. It is, therefore, wrong to say that there are no ill effects of ‘Valentine’s Day’ on the society. If Valentine’s name has been removed by Pope, the religious Chief of Christians in the year 1969 from the Roman calendar; why should we celebrate a day with the name of such useless person? If the youth is given concession under the name of celebration of this day, how can one give guarantee that they would not misuse such opportunity? Today, even the cricketers are not allowed to take their wives with them during the World Cup competition. Every person chewing tobacco is not affected by cancer; but still there is a warning printed on its packet that its consumption is harmful to health. Similarly, some people have gone through ill effects of Valentine’s Day and in that context, Pujya Bapuji is speaking. HJS has been fighting a campaign for the past 8 years, in  a lawful manner, against this Day and we have received good response from college going young students.”

Source: Daily Sanatan Prabhat

Unrestrained statements by Kanchan Adhikari in the discussion program

1. Why objection is taken against relations only against one day i.e. ‘Valentine Day’? Why objection is not taken against relations established on rest of the 364 days? (If immoral relations are kept for 364 days, it is of course, objectionable; but the main purpose of taking objection against Valentine Day is because the behavior of young men-women is such as if they have been granted a license for  having immoral relations on this day ! – Editor SP)

2. The statements made by Pujya Asaram Bapu should not send wrong message to people; as today’s youth might feel that one can be infected with AIDS just by touching or kissing a person. (In case someone has this notion, it is entirely the mistake of that person. Pujya Bapuji has never said any where that a touch or kiss can spread AIDS.  He has only warned that ‘Valentine Day’ can spread AIDS and there is nothing wrong with his statement ! – Editor SP)

Persons like Pujya Asaram Bapu, who are in a position to influence a large group of society, should at least update their knowledge. (Kanchan Adhikari, who is advising Saints, should first try to improve her comprehension, so as to understand what exactly Pujya Bapu had said, rather than being so precipitate in drawing conclusions !. – Editor SP)

3. The statement made by Pujya Asaram Bapu shows his backwardness and behind the time way of thinking. (If Madam Adhikari feels that guidance of Pujya Asaram Bapu to stop immoral behavior, nowadays accepted by the society on a day like Valentine Day, is backward and behind the time thinking whereas behaving like animals is forwardness, she needs to study what is human culture and decency ! – Editor SP)

*Why are we still showing the examples from ‘Puranas’? It is wrong to talk about the old ‘Puranas’ even after entering 21st century. (Dharma-shastra never gets old. The old examples are still given because the evolved souls have carried out certain acts based on the ancient Indian culture and civility based on the ‘Dharma-shastra’. Madam Adhikari will also experience the happiness if she follows our culture and will be able to understand why the same examples are given even now ! – Editor SP) Today, it is necessary to explain the proved (medical) science to the people. We cannot stop young men and women from expressing their love or having physical relationship; if, however, information regarding AIDS and means available for prevention is given, AIDS will not spread. (Instead of trying for keeping away from immoral relationship, advice is given for prevention of AIDS after keeping such relations. But those believing in materialism and enjoyment will not understand these things ! – Editor SP)

Spitting of venom by the program-host

Prasanna Joshi, the program-host said while concluding the program, “We cannot claim that Pujya Asaram bapu made such statement with a wrong motive; but it will not be right to criticize any culture or a nation in general. (His opinion is ‘Do not criticize a culture even if it is attacking basic human principles and morality. Tomorrow, these people will say, ‘Do not criticize Kasab, he also has a right to freedom of expression.’ ! – Editor SP)

It is wrong to say that because of such days, the youth will go on wrong path. (There cannot be more ridiculous and foolish deduction than this. Who can give guarantee for others that they would not behave wrongly ! – Editor SP)

Today’s youth are not so stupid that they would not take precaution. Pujya Asaram Bapu should think about this and change his viewpoint. It is the teaching of His dharma that ‘love grows with touch’. He should at least follow what he is preaching. (Pujya Bapu, who has done such constructive work for the society for the whole of his life, is being guided by over-intelligent Joshi. Will Hindus make Marathi news channel ‘Star Majha’ aware, in legal manner, of their mistake of criticizing Hindu Saints and traditions through such programs?  – Editor SP)

Views expressed by two women belonging to different spiritual Sects in the program

1.Nobody can stop young men-women of 18 years of age from keeping physical relations if that is their wish. If one tries to stop them, it can increase such type of thoughts in them; therefore, one can only try to make them understand and enlighten. (This shows our helplessness owing to influence of western culture. Will such helpless culture do anything for the betterment of mankind, society, nation and dharma? – Editor SP)

2. Valentine Day should be celebrated even by spiritual organizations. (Where will such spiritual organizations take the society with this way of thinking? – Editor SP)

Source: Daily Sanatan Prabhat

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